Where is Maxine Waters?

All right I will give you that. It made me smile.

I know both are out and out lies to smear an honorable congressperson.

Are you kidding me. Bet you believe that obama was born in Kenya too…

Some people are just PT Barnum people. A sucker born every minute.

Lots of trump supporters are like that.


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you sure?


I’ll bet she would. :rofl:


They like her for the nomination overseas too. :wink:


Oh, now you’re talking about a different story from a different source from over a year ago reporting on something specific Hillary said. Hold on while I catch up to those goalposts. . .

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shed also like to be queen

but, baby steps

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I don’t know and don’t care where Obama was born- probably in a pig sty.
You do not know whether or not Omar married her brother and you have no idea what she did on Sep. 11.

newsweek too?


she lost why cant people get over it?

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you said it wasnt news. it obviously is, and has been for at least nearly a year

goalposts havent moved. you just cant see them.

Fox News asking Mark Penn about Hillary’s chances in 2020 so everyone can be reminded of how terrible a candidate she was is news to you? Okay.

is it news when the nyt speculates about it?

Here are the latest bookie odds for the dem nomination

Warren 8/5
Biden 3
Sanders 8
Yang 16
Harris 16
Clinton 20
Buttigieg 20
Booker 50
Beto 65
Gabbard 100

Personally I would not bet a dime on clinton at any price.


The NYT story from last year is reporting a specific interview and quote she gave regarding the election. What is today’s Fox News story reporting? Mark Penn’s opinion of Hillary’s chances in 2020.

Gaggle of hens had replaced her.

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it slices, it dices…

any bookings on her picked as vp?

I know obama was born in the United States.

I know that Omar did NOT marry her brother.

I know that Omar did not celebrate 9/11.

Those are easily discernible facts.

The mere fact you are reporting these lies is how the trump machine propaganda works.


Forget the polls, listen to the bookies.



She-Woman Man Haters Club.

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