Where does black privilege matter?

nope not even close. hence our disagreement.

there are more than one way to look at things.

your mind is closed, mine is open.


You’re a science denier. John Locke died in 1704. Haidt is still working. Are you a flat earther too?

a closed mind does no one any good.


From the ward using 1704 as a… “source.”

whats wrong with that. constitutional originalists use a document from 1787 as gospel.


Maybe you don’t know what racism is.

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i am not a racist. i know in my heart and yes i know exactly what a racist is.

see David Duke.


aka “shall not be infringed” circa 1787. source…lol


What makes you think you’re not racist? Racism comes in many forms other than the David Duke model.

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Well, is beats the heck put of time has passed so it is anything goes argument of the living constitutionalist.

Like the soft bigotry of low expectations.


Locke a psychologist or a pediatrician? I can’t remember.

You posts are billboards for school choice.

By now we’ve got “the lowest possible” expectations and the bigotry of it is not longer “soft”.

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i know me.


Perhaps, but you don’t seem to know what racism is, so it would be difficult for you to really know if you are or not.


i do know what a racist is and that is not me.

sorry you cant pigeonhole me into a neat box.


Retired in 74. Been dead 34 years.

does that somehow render his opinion on the subject null and void.


Developed his theory in 1938.

Think they might have learned a thing or two since then?

I’m losing points.