Where does black privilege matter?

Not necessarily but I’ll take the white privilege. It’s undeniable that a society build for and by white people benefits white people the most. That doesn’t mean black people can be successful… it’s just a harder road and requires a lot of hiding or eroding your cultural identity to do it. (Except in areas of entertainment)

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I don’t see my “acting whiteness” as cultural erosion. I’m an American first and a black man second.

If you take the “white privilege” is it still “white” privilege?

Correct. Is it because they are “white” or because they built it?

Who has the privilege in South Africa? Haiti?

Oh come now, let’s be more honest.

For some black people it is… depends on the environment as well.

Such as?

The NBA. :wink:

So, you think blacks are in grave danger of being attacked by whites? You need to climb out of your shell. There will be more black on black crime in Chicago this weekend than there will be white on black crime the entire year. Blacks are not afraid of whites. They can stroll through a white neighborhood without fear. It’s a different story in black neighborhoods. Oh, and black on white crime far exceeds white on black crime. Black privilege exists. And it’s obvious.

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black guy shot dead on street Feb 23, 2020. the authorities know who did it.

perps arrested may 7, 2020

what happened in the intervening 73 days. between murder and arrest?

why were the perps allowed to roam free in public for 73 days?

where it i get it wrong.

thats some black privilege we are talking here.

sounds exactly the opposite.


Hanging his hat on 1 incident is ridiculous. Maybe just trolling.

There are incidents in the opposite direction daily.

one incident of blatant racism that ended up in murder is one too many.
Should have never happened in the United States in the year 2020.


Sure, but you didn’t address his retort. There are many crimes where a black person victimized a white person. How many of those victims are selected because they are white?


i dont know, do we have a case in point, where a black person attacked and murdered an unarmed white victim in the United states merely because he was white and in the wrong neighborhood recently (last 10 years).


Are incidents where blacks blatantly kill white people counted?

Statistically, a black person is far safer in a white neighborhood than a white person is in a black neighborhood. Is that not because of racism by blacks?

Of course, statistically, a black person is safer in a white neighborhood than they are in a black neighborhood too, so maybe it’s not racism that creates the statistic.

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Not any more.

Calm down.

You’re just making up stuff and getting too excited.

Why not?

unless your last name is arbery.


racism should not exist among civilized human beings.

its was 2020. not 1920. where black people were lynched on a regular basis.
