Where are the masks

Easy to place blame. What have you contributed lately?

Why would you assume I defended Biden’s lies? It’s the only reason to even ask such a question.

It’s not my job.

Why would I assume anything other?

Why wouldn’t you assume something other unless you think I am a liar.


No. I think you’re a lib, who hated Trump and supported Biden.

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Why would you say that? You don’t know me.

Left of center mostly because of social issues, voted for Trump before I voted against Trump all facts.

I might be mistaken, but I take it you are not an expert in virology. But then again, neither am I. That’s why I don’t try to place blame. But maybe you are.

I think democrats are trying to get away from the mask thing, at least most. I don’t there is anything wrong with saying we “Suggest” you wearing and N95 mask while in public still just not mandated. Also tell the people wearing surgical masks or random cloth masks that they don’t work.

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So, apparently I was right in assuming.

One does not have to be an expert to know they have been lied to and who the liar was.

Somebody has to be blamed . . . for something. You found your bogeyman. Good for you.

It’s not blame. We know who the liars are.

You can howl at the moon on the Hannity forum. My advice . . . be in the present. Well, easy for me to say. My former life dealt with the past. :wink:

I am. Biden is still lying to us.

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Not to worry, young grasshopper. Live your life.

Seriously? You don’t think Biden lying is something that concerns us?

Tell me what disturbs you exactly, and I’ll try to respond honestly.