Where are the documents?

We haven’t seen any for 2017, after taking office, either.

But his promises are.

What documents are the current Democratic members of Congress refusing to hand over to the current full Congress?

Resist it is. They could at least try to look like they’re giving Kavanaugh a fair shake.

Who said anything about being fair?

I agree, every nominee deserves a fair shake and an up or down vote by the Senate as a body, amiright?


He didn’t.

are you implying that the house intelligence committee asked Nunez to release his memo? or did they make a big fuss.

No. I am talking about Fat Donald withholding the Kavanaugh documents and the Republicans in Congress who have refused to release documents and have back the president on his stone walling the Kavanaugh documents. Or the Republicans in Congress demanding “all” documents related to the Trump campaign probe be released to them.

It is document release hypocrisy.

that is what the OP points out. hypocrisy on both sides.

perhaps you can tell us which senate committee is demanding or subpoenaing kavenaugh documents they don’t already have?

I never said there wasn’t such.

However, never in the history of American politics has any side been so egregious in their document release hypocrisy as that on current display by the Right-eous.

Current being a key word from my other post.

i think you are wrong, i think of fast and furious, i think of hillary’s emails. I think of benghazi.

I think the problem is that we have too many secrets.

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