Where are the arrests for showing up at Justices homes?


Then what is the goal of loosening every abortion restriction? That seems to be what the left wants…. There’s no apparent endgame for them short of that.

Sorry- don’t want to hijack the thread.

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No, there is no objective rationale for striking down Casey and Roe. Review the thread. There is significant disagreement on whether or not it is even a person.

We as in “we who support the right”. Since Roe, there was not expansion of the right, only further limitation (Casey).

Yet no expansions were granted. Only limitations

How do you know?

Are you sure?

It is my point.

In terms of Supreme Court rulings? Yes

Incitement to insurect.


Nice try.

So all the anti-abortion protesters who demonstrated outside the Supreme Court building should have been arrested under “the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States”.



Oh there is video you need to see of suspicious dudes disposing of barricades, find it yourself.

And they didnt hear or see any of the commotion from the tear gas and flash/smoke grenades going off either right? C’mon man…Are we going down the “They were just tourists” road?

When? When were they reasonable? When they passed Jim Crow laws? Filibustered the CRA of 64? When they created the Department of Education? When they passed the New Deal? The Great Society? Created the KKK? Fought for slavery? Put Japanese Americans in internment camps? Jammed Obamacare down America’s throat? Started the Vietnam War? Fought for abortion? Fought to remove prayer from school? Gun control efforts? City after city have been under Democrat control for DECADES, yet they never seem to solve any of the crime problems or poverty problems.

I can’t think of a single time in the last 100 years where the Democrat party wasn’t fighting against our Constitution. They keep changing what they call themselves, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals… the policy stays the same. Big government solutions that erode our Constitution. Republicans have definitely had their failures but they pale in comparison to Democrats.


Read it again. You said my right to carry in certain places cannot be restricted Constitutionally. I laid out exactly when they CAN be restricted, though not by government.

Some came in after the battle was over. Point is, shady ■■■■ went down with barricades and bullhorns, big fed presence, wait for it once we take congress in the mids.

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Property tax records are.

Publicly available information or not, it’s intended to influence the court.


The justices need to stand their ground. Other judges,etc. are watching this throughout the country. It isn’t just intimidation of the Supreme Court Justices but all.