Where are the arrests for showing up at Justices homes?

They have the ability to protest at the Supreme Court Building, the Capitol Building, the White House and any other public building in Washington, D.C. as well as all public areas and parks.

They have the ability to protest at all the State Capitols and all State public buildings.

They have the ability to protest at all local government buildings and courthouses.

They have the ability to protest on the many public commons areas.

There is absolutely ZERO need or excuse to be protesting in private residential areas. The press will cover their protests wherever they are.

And it is not just about the judges or politicians in question. It is also about the right of the other members of the necessary to the quiet enjoyment of their residential area, without protests occurring or strangers entering their neighborhood. The right of their children to play without having to dodge protestors.

A categorical prohibition on demonstrations in certain places has long been upheld by the courts. As long as the government does not DISCRIMINATE by viewpoint. If it is done without discriminating by viewpoint, that is a categorical prohibition and thus Constitutional.

There are literally endless public places for both pro and anti abortion protestors to protest. Keeping them out of residential neighborhoods does not violate the First Amendment either in fact, in law or in spirit.


People who peacefully protested and never entered the Capitol have been arrested and held without trial for months.

In contrast, people involved with violent protests that attempted to block the Trump inauguration were released awaiting trial and later had their charges dropped.

Putin-style justice against perceive political opponents has become the norm in the US.


People plead guilty to inauguration protests and served jail time. You don’t know have to read the articles just post them. Easier for me.


Give us some names - “Tucker said so” isnt enough.

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How many were arrested in pre-dawn FBI raids?

How many spent months in prison awaiting trial?

A typical outcome is that violent leftist protestors are released on some low bail amount and then plead guilty to a minor crime that results in no jail time and little or no fine.

People who actually go to trial in DC face Democratic prosecutors and a jury pool with demographics similar to that of the delegates to the Democratic National Convention. Democrats regularly get 90+% of the popular vote in DC.

Justice for J6 defendants in DC is about like that for Black men charged with raping a white woman in the Jim Crow South.

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How many “peaceful protesters” were arrested, prosecuted, fined and or imprisoned under this statute for the assaults on federal courthouses and personnel last year?

Antifa violently attacked the Portland courthouse nightly for months. No one was ever arrested in a pre-dawn SWAT team raid. That treatment is reserved for political prisoners.

The federal government went through the motions of arresting the attackers. They were immediately released and most had their charges dropped.


There you go.


Yes, and anyone who was in the mob that attempted to intimidate the justices should immediately be fired, banned from social media, and have their all their accounts frozen.

Oh wait, those kinds of rules only apply to conservative protestors . . .


Yep, had a state senator in my last neighborhood, fairly frequent protesting, she was umm, unpopular with a certain segment.

Going to guess none.


Please…allow me to answer this for libs across the nation;…it’s different.

Well, if they are conspiring to harass Supreme Court justices to prevent them from making a judicial ruling, how about this one? Sounds like they are opposing the authority of the court…and inspired by the President of the US.


Am betting this is some how (D)ifferent too. :roll_eyes:

I think that the justices could hold the protest organizers in contempt of court, which could subject them to civil and criminal penalties.

They forgot to add this pic:

That would be a start.

In the spirit of January 20, 2017 the feds are ramping up to hand out cookies, binkys, and warm soy milk.



OK, so we’ve determined that it is absolutely illegal what these (D)omestic terrorists are doing outside of the Justices’ houses.

At any moment now, the President’s FBI should be doing something about this (provided they aren’t busy kicking down doors to recover abandoned diaries that show him to be the Kid Sniffer we all knew him to be).