When will you apologize to Seth Rich?

There’s no relation.

We can know Seth Rich wasn’t involved in the hack without knowing who murdered him.

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You don’t “KNOW” anything except what’s been reported…and much of that keeps changing.

Up isn’t up, down isn’t down, green means stop, red means go. Reality is an easily avoidable obstacle when you refuse to believe in it, right?

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It was all fake. Assange and Fox News took everyone for a ride and the suckers fell for it hard.



Who murdered Seth? It’s reported it was a botched robbery…yet…his wallet and valuables were still on him. It doesn’t make any sense yet and until it does, I’m not buying it.

It’s more than easy to imagine how that botched robbery happened. I know you know that.

Whats weird then, is to instead make up some half-butt ridiculous conspiracy to believe in, so that a bunch of internet trolls can monetize this tragedy for clicks. That is sick and weird.

You don’t “buy it” because, and this isn’t said with malice, but its because you’re ignorant.

You’re not a police detective. You don’t have a criminal justice background or education. You’ve never been to the the area he was killed in, you know nothing about the person who was Seth Rich. You’re completely ignorant, and thats fine. I don’t have any of those things either. I’m also ignorant.

The difference here is that I’m choosing to follow along with the easily obtainable evidence that has been amassed by professionals that proves quite simply that Assagne was peddling Horse ■■■■ regarding Seth Rich, and even explains his motivations for doing so…

… while you’re choosing to ride a fantastical tale told by professional story tellers and radio dj’s that has not a single piece of evidence of support and has in fact been disproven multiple times, multiple ways, by multiple parties. So disproven that most of the original peddlers of this hoax won’t dare touch it with a 40 foot pole anymore.

In the end, this has become gross. It’s not fun. It’s sad to see people still do this. It’s like Alex Jones fans harrasing sandy hook parents level of ugh.


This is the case that conspiracy theory Qanon nutjobs should really be looking into.


My view is not to buy anything yet. The jury is still out. What I do know is that what’s been said doesn’t make sense and they’ve not solved the crime. I can wait and the only time it gets mentioned, is when someone else does it.

I hope you’ll find a pattern concerning me that when I’m ignorant on something, I admit…I don’t know. That said, I’m also not easily duped. When something doesn’t add up, I can usually comprehend that. It’s like Comey and Lynch so many years ago, when I said…this doesn’t add up. I also stated what i suspect but…i don’t know. Here we are years later and we still don’t know much more but slowly, it’s being revealed and hopefully, IG Horowitz will shed some light on it?

Why would the FBI allow Hillary to determine which emails were personal and which were government? That doesn’t make sense. You or I would not have been treated that way.

No we know from Stone and Corsi’s testimony.

We also know beyond the shadow of a doubt that your logic is flawed.


but, as with many conspiracy theories that conspiracy theorists by into (most times to prove to others that they know something that others don’t), it’s gonna take a while to die.

and won’t, of course, for the most ardent conspiracy theorists.

I contest the idea you arent easily duped…you voted for trump…you believe this hoopla…

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So Seth Rich’s parents are coming out about their story, especially the Fox News/GOP conspiracy sewage-flume that they endured.

Within days, Joel and Mary Rich then had to endure an unimaginable, additional blow: the eruption of a cottage industry of conspiracy theories and outright lies around their son’s life and death. Police in Washington, D.C., never identified his killer, and there was a vacuum of reliable information. Hot takes, destructive speculation and false claims about Seth rocketed around the internet and found a warm embrace on many Fox News shows.

“We’re just beside ourselves,” Joel Rich says. "With all the international stories and all the national media, how do you live with that, when you know it’s all false about your son and his legacy?

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IMO what happened to them is the same as what Alex Jones did to the parents at Sandy Hook.

Deeper pockets so they get to make Seth Rich’s parents keep quiet

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What, you never heard of a company settling to avoid costly trial?


It’s pretty awful to contemplate. Literally, the worst thing that can happen to you happens; then, you get several years of terrible people (who your son overtly opposed) tapping your phones and exploiting it all.


And there will still be books on the subject years from now.

Vince Fosters body is still dragged out every few years

the eruption of a cottage industry of conspiracy theories and outright lies around their son’s life and death. Police in Washington, D.C., never identified his killer, and there was a vacuum of reliable information.

“A vacuum of reliable information”? Identifying who killed him and why would be reliable information so…what’s the answer?

That said, I can’t even imagine the pain they were going through and attempting to answer this, should be done while always being considerate of this truth.