When Was The US At Its Greatest? 🇺🇲

2AM est

seriously however, likely the moment the Japanese surrendered. at that moment comparatively, the US had no equal. close 2nd, the day the USSR fell, for the same reason.


You feel the aggregate of “civil rights” is better today than at any other time in US history?

Because the rest of the world was a heap of ashes. Not due to anything the US did.


I don’t think there’s any question. There isn’t progression in every area or every group, but the aggregate has increased.

I don’t think I can agree with that.

Are you confusing “rights” with privileges granted by an ever more intrusive central government?

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Consider this story:

This defendant’s civil rights could only be protected today. Ten years ago he would have been put under the jail.

That’s an increase to the aggregate.

When things are at their worst, often…mankind is at it’s best. WW I was devastating to the world and that was followed about a decade later by the great depression…which was also devastating. Then about another decade later comes WW II…which again was devastating. This devastation required a unity to defeat it. That unity was when the US was at it’s greatest and the decade following WW II was when it peaked.

If that was the top…it’s been sliding downhill ever since because there has been nothing to unify us except ourselves and our choices.

The Lord said…“to be first, you must be last”. President Kennedy said, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. Both of those are two sides of the same coin and that is the very foundation of this country. As this mindset declines…so does our “greatness”.

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Shockingly Innocent
Although 1950s parents saw their teenagers behave in ways that shocked them, such as listening to rock-and-roll music, new risque dance moves, and their overall self-determining and defiant mindset, compared to 21st Century teens, these teens were extraordinarily innocent. There were no drugs to muddle their minds, and because alcohol was hard for them to get, there was no binge drinking either. As far as sex goes, most 1950s teenagers were shy virgins.


It’s because of cell phones.

Horrible, horrible statement. One of the most blatant pieces of propaganda ever uttered by an American.

Nobody in government should ever claim “country.”

Oh yeah, and immediately following that statement, he and his Camelot fools and his successor sent a generation of America’s finest off to fight a war for the French. With no intention of “winning.” Another example of europhilia.


… :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


True. And bodycams too.

It all reflects the modern public holding habitual civil rights violators to a higher standard of accountability. 10 years ago, bodycameras were a partisan political issue, rather than an expectation.

Doesn’t this represent a huge increase to the aggregate civil liberties? I’d say it’s far more important than anything going on with the alphabet groups.

Based on this post, I will agree with the caveat that it is inspite of government, not because of it. The people are doing it and God bless them for it.

You have forced me to expand (and return to) the definition of “United States.”

We still have a lot of work to do on bodycams and expectations, but it’s moving in the correct direction.

What is your definition of “civil rights”?

You’ll see that one again.


china wasn’t ■■■■ in 1991

pretty sure we did fight in that war. regardless of that, its irrelevant, greatness is comparative.


In Alabama? New York? Kansas? Oregon?

What are you comparing it to?

what else do you compare a nation to to determine its “greatness”? Other nations

:rofl: No.

That may have been the top…for white men.