Let's Talk About Changes to Policing

I swear it seems like a bunch of cops are programmed like ED-209 from Robocop.

At least ED-209 gave you 20 full seconds to comply before it filled you with lead. These officers give you half a millisecond and then start blasting.


Quick send more social workers and reform the way police conduct traffic stops!!

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I don’t see any police.

By someone who was “being a policeman while black”. If you are going to bring in race, then let’s bring in all the race facts.


Makes me think we should have more of them, enough that these guys won’t carry out brazen daylight gunfights like that.

Uh oh!

“His whole thing was, I didn’t do my job right. I had no right to detain him. I had no right to search him,” McCarthy told Fox News Digital. “But that’s exactly what we are trained to do. That’s exactly what peace officer standards in training from the state of California says to do. It just set him off. It was like a trigger for him.”

The jury agreed. Notice she didn’t mention law, standards and policy.

Interesting … there were several gunshots heard on the video of the incident after the back-up police arrived. There was no mention of that in the story. I wonder what went on there …

“Let them have their day”

Check this out

“No” is an option?


That boy needs an attitude adjustment. I hope the Jury and Judge gives it to him.


Abusive cop charged with “misdemeanors.” I wonder what I would be charged with if I assaulted a cop like that?

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Not for us peasants.

If you or me tried to do that they’d beat us half to death for back talking.





One officer attempted to open the window

Other than examples of abuse of power and bad decision making what needs to “change policing”?
The LEOs have been basically ordered to “stand down” in many cities. Departments are short staffed also. Officers are retiring or resigning and moving their families to where the environment is more suitable. Crime is rampant and once caught criminals aren’t prosecuted. Could there be apathy in the ranks?
I grew up in a little Ol steel town in western Pennsylvania known for winning 4 Super Bowls in the mid 1970’s. There was always a cop or two in the neighborhood. They knew everyone and if we were doing something stupid and he saw us all he had to do was call us by name and mention our father will be told. Was that what is called community policing?
Now if cops are out on the street they’re intimidated, assaulted and sometimes shot at while dozens of mooks have their cameras rolling.
Changes in policing indeed.


Good start.

Everything needs to change. The entire system. Beginning with the expectations, myths and lies.


The very Mission.


These three are in a world of ■■■■■ The woman’s threat was with a hammer inside the house while they were outside? That’s no reason for all three to start slinging lead. Dumbasses


San Anton is a rough one and crime has been exasperated by the J’Biden illegal invasion horde.

Who knows what these three cops were thinking.

How does that link substantiate that claim?

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