When This Is Over

Good luck with getting other nations to default with you

Glenn Beck strikes again. Amazing


This. Whenever this particular crisis is over, by no means is deficit reduction going to be primary on the list of that government is going to be concerned about. Assessing and repairing the economic damage is going to be paramount and that will take years.

That would be fun anyway. :sunglasses:

He already sort of did that with the SALT caps that disproportionately affected blue states.


Rafferty’s Rules seems to be a very strange aspirational goal.

What could possibly go wrong with that sort of precedent?

It is more likely we would have snow on Christmas Day in Perth, WA than Australia subscribing to that dangerous proposal.

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This is the core problem.

And not just the parties. The voters.


That’s why I added “the voter” to my previous reply.

Parties are the problem… well at least having a system where there are only two parties that have a chance of winning anything. Our politics are mostly driven by wedge issues and partisan allegiance. Most people would naturally be somewhere in the middle as far as political ideology, but the two party system drives people further to the right and left.

■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■ :man_shrugging:

I see it as a chicken-or-egg paradigm. Regardless of which fuels which, right now they perpetually feed off each other.

I wish we had a system were more than 2 parties actually had a shot at winning. However, the middle of the road voters need to take responsibility for the huge political divide we have right now. Most of us just go about life and hopefully show up to vote every 2 years. While people on the left and right are politically active all the time.

They’re flirting with a digital dollar. The conversation may be moot.

Digital currency terrifies me (in terms of having 100% no paper currency). Having said that I don’t understand the technology.

Not sure either, but I suspect it would tie you digitally to all your assets. A virtual credit card that you would lose and gain as you spent and produced.

The money isn’t real anyway.

In 1964 (the year before they stopped making silver quarters), the minimum wage was $1.25 per hour.

A 1964 silver quarter weighs in at 6.25 grams and is 90% silver and 10% copper.

5 silver quarters comes out to 28.125 grams of silver and 3.125 grams of copper.

Leaving out the 3 grams in copper, the current market value that I’m looking at, for those same 5 quarters, is $13.03 in silver.

It was $18.99 this past February.

What’s a copper-nickel alloy quarter worth these days? 25 cents?

Whatever though, your digital wallet will be directly related to your Social Credit Score.


Reminds me of the movie with Justin Timberlake that had a clock in your arm. In Time.

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Kind of, but to me it reminds me more of China’s current Social Credit System.

Acting like an undesirable? No public transportation for you!

Political activist? You’ll be renting your house in the ghetto now!

Oh, a Meme Master are you? Dialup speeds only!

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