When the useful idiots revolt

Build it 40 feet into the earth and 30 feet wide at the base. No tunnels.

C’mon, man…

One word: Ladders

Is it easier for order guards or national guardsmen to stop a crowd of two thousand people rushing in mass across a flat plain or trying to climb across a sixty foot wall covered in razor wire on ladders?
If someone is suggesting walls can be built along an otherwise unsecured border and that border can be declared secured forever, I would suggest they reconsider.
The fact is, contacts increased dramatically when Biden removed the protections established under Trump and invited self proclaimed asylum seekers to surge our border. Democrats must admit either that they want an unsecured border or that Biden’s policy is a failure.


The military teaches that obstacles are only effective if they a under observation able to interdict attempts to breach the obstacle.


Will never forget how Brandon stopped wall construction and let material go to waste.

Brandon thinks barriers work.


Don’t forget to add in th Boogeyman Deep State Players funded by bigger Boogeyman to falsify the numbers.


You personally see and hear about every single crime that is committed every single year so that you can compare crime rates year on year based on your observations alone?

Come on man! You’re smart enough to know you don’t “see” a representative sample of crimes being committed to use “personal observation” as a measure of whether crime is going up or down.

No you’re not.

You just prefer to be lied to by different people.

…" and then instals his daughter in law as head of the RNC"…
OH…HUMANITY…a crime of unimmaginable proportion…!!!

OY…OY…OY… :scream_cat: :weary: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

What do you think the death toll will be? :weary:

1 Republican party that sold it’s soul.

Republican Party…? Yes .
But not because of Trump.
Did I tell you the story of my Papa and the herd of cows?

You know the obvious answer to that, right? A combination of height and razor wire. They have that circling cell towers where I live.

Jay jay has spoken…

Now I know I’m right!

Crime is a major concern all over this country right now…the addition of 10+ million illegal invaders hadn’t helped.

Now…yes or no smart guy. Are Soros prosecutors downgrading classes of crimes and pursuing less prosecution?

Yes or no…in places like California has actual theft been legalized? You can walk out of a store with several hundred dollars worth of merchandise you didn’t pay for?

I’m no expert on data and the various statistics…but people all over this country in interviews and city council meetings are talking about crime. Stores are closing because they can’t afford the retail theft.

You leftists wanna claim all is well…

It’s not pal and I can damn sure guarantee I’m not the only American who feels that way.

I’m moving from airplane to airplane but here’s just one story…I ll bet I or some of my friends on this forum can find more. MSN


Same stuff in NYC. Tons of stores are closing. Even security is told not to intervene. Cities like San Fran and NYC encourage theft.


This is no longer true. It was for about two years but store theft much like anything is down. Cops parking by big targets helped it along.

Two words: Land mines

Plant hedge rows, or the equivalent the will grow, fill with every nasty critter and declare it a wild life / bird sanctuary…


Sometimes I cannot tell if y’all are serious with posts like this.

Sharks with laser beams.

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