When the stupid wake up

56 years minimum

Congrats you actually got something right! Our border policy has been a failure.

That doesn’t excuse Biden for the reality that 7 or 8 million illegals have marched into the country on his watch…that’s on biden. He’s done damage that can never be undone. Those illegals are overwhelming everything from our small border cities to now big cities from Denver to New York.

The theme of this thread is “when stupid people wake up”…the folks in Denver, New York and Chicago are now reaping getting what they asked for with their sanctuary city policies …dumb people who were largely immune to the immigration issue have now seen the results of the lib virtue signaling. Migrants being shoved into their kids schools or living homeless on the streets because they have overwhelmed our countries ability to care for them.

Yea our immigration system has been a mess for years yet somehow 600,000 to a million people a year become citizens legally…why the hell are we letting all these non asylum seekers waltz across the border to the tune of 10000 a day cutting to the head of the line.

The first president to actually show an ounce of seriousness about stopping illegals immigration was Trump…he had us going in the right direction and then America stupidly put Joe Biden in Office for all the wrong reasons and the border is now worse than ever.

The reality that the border has been far more a fundraising talking point for our lifetimes does not change the reality of today and the mess that buffoon you voted for and his surrogates have made.


Maybe you missed a lot of other stuff in Sunday School.

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Congress has to the the ones to fix this.

They aren’t going to because as long as politcal points can be scored about the border there is no reason to.

It might.

Shows you just how effective indoctrination.


Mayor of WashDC:
“We’re not a border town,” Bowser told reporters. “We don’t have an infrastructure to handle this type of and level of immigration to our city. … We’re not Texas.”

The “infrastructure” of Texas is to raise property taxes to pay for free schools and other “free” benefits.

He didn’t quote the Bible.

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True, Trump proposed immigration reform, including increasing those here under DACA, but Democrats blocked it. Even so, Trump showed that with limited resources the border could be under control. What Trump did, Biden destroyed.


Yep. For about three years now.

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Democrats didn’t block the Gang of Eight bipartisan reforms. Trump did.

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Who had control of the House in 2017?

Just like booting McCarthy… blame the GOP’s inability to move it’s agenda forward when they control the government on Democrats.

The gang of eight bill was a vast universal amnesty and increased immigration in exchange for immigration law enforcement and border security. In 1986 an amnesty bill was passed and part of this amnesty would include strict immigration law enforcement for the future. The amnesty part of the bill happened.


Please, please, please do tell us how Congress is going to fix the fact that roughly 3 billion people worldwide live in conditions of abject poverty, crime, political unrest, etc., and see coming to America as the solution to solve their problems?


Did someone claim country club Republicans wanting cheap immigrant labor weren’t part of the problem along with Democrats?

It is all the Democrats fault.

But it was the Freedom Caucus that voted it down… seems like they are a real problem.

I get it.

In 2019 less than a million border crossings….I linked this a couple of days ago.

In 2020 that number was even less. Since Biden took office we’ve set records for migrants arriving in America, monthly and yearly. 10 or 11,000 a day currently, 260000 in September…

Fiscal 2023 is guaranteed to be a record setting year.

What changed…

Biden and the damn democrats is what changed