When the stupid wake up

Why would I do anything for an economic system? It is like asking what have I done for currency.

It is a nonsense question.

Pray. Love the Lord. Plan. Prepare. Do it legally, what ever it is you choose to do. That said, Jesus would not break our laws and these are His words. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Yeah… I got to call ■■■■■■■■ on that one.

…which suggests you’ve not yet been baptized by the Holy Spirit?

I am sure you believe that to be true.

A message that I guess I missed in Sunday School was to treat people differently based on country of origin.

Fleeing the consequences of their own actions. Coveting. Stealing.


“Put the employers in prison!”

It’s the hypocrisy for me.


If we don’t do what libs say we should do, then we’re being terrible to migrants. :roll_eyes:

You didn’t need to counter a stupid accusation, Smyrna. Stupid and dishonest accusation. It just gives credibility to the idiocy.


When something crosses your path that needs your help, you have a choice to make. Spending money that isn’t yours to spend and not being behind the enforcement of our laws is where you and I part company.


Pearls before swine.

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Blessed are the taxpayers for they shall determine who is and isn’t worthy.

This might be some if the most ridiculous lefty arrogance in the history of this forum. We have laws established for our good and for theirs. The lawbreaking going on today has led not just to an invasion of our country, not just to the deaths of tens if thousands of Americans from fentanyl…but to a massive number of migrants being raped and sold into sex slavery.

Quoting the Bible to justify that is next level silly.


Did you think that was clever?

The taxpayers are barely able to provide for their own needs in this country…

And now you expect them to just hand over whatever they have because liberal democrats have decided to throw open the southern border without even giving them a choice how they sorbs the money they’ve (the taxpayers) have worked their assets off to earn.

Respectfully your position is nonsense.


I don’t act like I am special simply because I pay taxes.

Tax money will be spent on the issue no matter what… so the issue isn’t about use of taxpayer money, but how to most effectively solve the issue.

I don’t believe that treating is an only a law enforcement issue will work… the problem won’t go away by making crossing the border harder or more deadly.

Yea, no he won’t, come on @Smyrna you are smarter than that.


You support the chaos and crime that has come from Biden’s failed border policies.

Thank you for your honesty.


The border policy has been a failure for years.

Making it deadlier and crueler isn’t going to solve it.

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The massive taxpayer expense of using an army of law enforcement to investigate and remove millions of people from the country.

Imagine that.

Yea, it would be MUCH cheaper to pay for good border security.

Imagine THAT.


In a dEmOcRAcy? You betcha.

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