When it's all said and done what will the actual cost be for all the rioting, looting, arson etc?

Good article. Explains the coverage really well.

That is in no way a justification to destroy property and steal.

This attitude is wrong.

The fact is that there is a segment of the left that looks at people who own businesses as people of “privilege” and therefore are getting what they deserve.


The criminal segment.

That’s not the reason.

Try again.


Maybe… joe biden is right.

“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point” Joe Biden.

I guess it exploded like your howdy doody candidate predicted.


Yeah, really upset about the killing.

For some reason your link only shows up when I reply and quote the post. Otherwise, I don’t see it in your post. :neutral_face:

Such lady like behavior right?

It’s like giving a pack of chimpanzees one box of dynamite and another box of lighters and then wondering what the hell happened with the inevitable results.

What does that have to do with the subject of the thread?

The cop who did that is on his way to prison for at least 20 years, justice is being served and these riots have nothing at all do do with it.

The original protests were about demanding accountability, that accountability has been delivered.

Now it’s just a national tantrum fueled by democrats to sow as much discord, violence, and anarchy as possible leading up to the election.


That’s no excuse period. How the hell can anyone attempt to justify this with a straight face?

Yes we can. How does breaking the law equate to justice?

How many blacks died last year due to unlawful homicides committed by police?

Hundreds of more blacks have been maimed and killed by those taking advantage of the anarchy and police standing down/retreating since Floyd’s death that were murdered by cops in the last year.

The clam, “Black Lives Matter” is just an outright lie, this has never been anything other than fabricating a movement based on lies.

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Try again.

The claims estimate, which includes only insured losses, is more than four times the inflation-adjusted $183 million in claims from the 1965 Watts riots.


That will probably be up to the legislatures.

What was done to “them”? Be specific.

I’ve sold more guns and ammo already this year than I did in all of 2011-2012 and my classes are booked full for the rest of the year. :smiley:

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At some point I’m fairly sure we’ll find that ANTIFA has been largely responsible for coordinating the violence. Cell phone tracking would be the quickest way to figure that out and I’m sure the fed’s are working on it.

Unfortunately the fed’s always move at the speed of a glacier.