When Feds release Pecker/Trump abortion files?

Like you do?

That being your opinion of course. There are always facts, to deny it is folly.

I haven’t seen anyone claiming that the porn stars trump had bad sex with while his third wife was raising their first son and then setup shell companies so he could pay them money so his potential voters wouldn’t know about it were victims.

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If you hit the “like” again, you negate the first one. I just did the same to one of your posts. You’re welcome.

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Personally, I find that to be sad.

And let’s look at the reality. Woman said yes, Trump said yes. Woman didn’t protect herself, Trump didn’t protect himself. Woman chose abortion.

Happens everyday across every continent.

Trump did not do this TODAY… It is a past transgression. Yet, we are finding out about it TODAY which makes if feel like the transgression is in the present.

Sometimes, we have to choose the lesser of two evils. If Ted Kennedy could keep being re-elected after his role in Chappaquiddick do you think it is impossible for him to be re-elected for being a part in what the pro-choice movement wholeheartedly supports?

Yep, just like in the white nationalists threads

Thank you, my friend.

I’m giving you a like for this post.

That is not true. What Republicans will do is to vote for what they feel is best for the county. Not get mired in personal failings. I’d much rather see Trump as president than Hillary. Both are less than stellar choices but they were the choices we had.

I pretty sure that I never resort to calling people names. I feel it’s beneath me. I should be able to point out how ludicrous a person’s argument is. If I can’t, then I shouldn’t say anything at all, because it’ll only showcase my lack of rebuttal.

Well, I’ll say this. If his past transgressions were not so numerous and tawdry, showing a lifetime of putrid moral character, they wouldn’t be that big a deal. Everybody has a few skeletons in the closet, but some folks have a train car full.

Your rigid thinking is showing.

Of course there are facts. But here - as in any debate - there only opinions as to what the facts are.

Dammit. @Call_me_Ishmael made me want to change my avatar again.

Did Trump indirectly pay off Stormy Daniels?

Lots of people pay off hookers. Should that kind of behavior be criminalized?

You are splitting hairs. Your strawmen mumble names … or say them under their hayfield breath. At a minimum, you even admit to calling some posters ludicrous … or posters of ludicrous ideas.

You are not as blameless as you pretend.

And some that have been “groomed” for political life know how to hide their skeletons better than others.

I could be a POS human being, but what if I found the cure for cancer?


Dude, Republicans have already given him a pass for grabbing ■■■■■■ cheating on multiple wives, cheating people out of money, trying to steal personal property via eminent domain, running cons on consumers, not paying money he owes, etc.

Republicans will most certainly give him a pass on abortions and paying off mistresses.

I had Klee’s “flight from oneself” as my avatar for awhile. But it does not make a good avatar. Still, while you run from one version of yourself to the next, you should at least be aware that Klee drew this for you.

Then you should get credit for it just like Pete Rose should be in the hall of fame BUT…with a placard in plain sight saying he flagrantly broke the rules and was severely punished.