"When do we get to use the guns?"

She is one of those people who I wouldn’t mind seeing catapulted into the sun.

I will gladly denounce any whiff of violence being called for from those who are “my side”

What I do not see on “my side” are entertainment news apparatuses that openly calls for the death of other Americans because they are perceived to be traitors.

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I don’t see those on either side yet .

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Oh it’s out there.

Thanks AT&T

I would imagine it sounded ridiculous to other countries it happened to up until the moment it did. My fear for the last few years with all the looting and rioting is that one day a event happens and it just spirals out of control. We wouldn’t be the first country it happened to.

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I love the fact that he doesn’t understand that he is saying that if he is wrong and if the conspiracy he is pushing is wrong, the punishment for his actions… is execution. :smiley:

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Sorry, that’s not “openly calls for death”

To be sure, what he said is unbelievably dumb - along with perpetuating the lie that 2020 election was stolen - but he said that this is what would have happened in the past, never did he openly call for anyone to be offed nor was he talking about the left in general - just those who are perceived in “meddling with the election” , in his delusion at least.


Not suggesting it and sure as hell not wanting it just reading the polls about it. Bill Maher done a segment on it last Friday it’s not just me that fears something bad could be triggered. A zogby poll (It’s not the only one) showed 46% think we are headed to a civil war 43% don’t.


Like when?

The right isnt oppressed, the election wasn’t stolen, and there isn’t a cabal of leftists drinking baby blood.

The constant pushing of conspiracies by the rights media is dangerous.

There is too many people on the right talking of revolution, and killing the left.

I saw that Maher episode he seemed to be taking it very seriously as I think people should as well and calm down.

Right… so what do we do to get that number down?

Because honestly for the life of me I can’t see a real reason for there to be an actual Civil War.

What would it be over? What would be the defining issue?

He openly calls for death without actually saying the words.

It is an old Alex Jones tactic.

Soft bans on certain classes of firearms. The toleration of mandatory waiting periods. State offices being allowed to disallow firearms from their premises despite being a house owned by the people communally.

Just with firearms we can keep going all day long.


Breakdown of trust and the abrogation of the social contract.

Basically no one wants to leave anyone else alone. Left and right are both guilty of that.

I really like what WC called it. A “cold civil war.” That’s a really good term for what has been going on for the past twenty years or so.

It doesn’t matter if we feel like the entire idea is stupid. That’s there’s no real cause to fight a war over. But as time moves on more and more people are becoming convinced that their social order, their morals, and their way of life is being threatened by the other side. At that point we will be forced to choose a side.

Or we could take measures now to see if that eventual future can be avoided.


Does that include John Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, etc.?

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I get the breakdown of trust… I see that as media driven… and mostly for the attainment of power. That is the dumb culture war that we live in.

The social contract is something that can be changed over time. It isn’t written in stone and is subject to debate and updating.

They were in a colonial power… not already part of a country.

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They didn’t have a country to throw away.

This is a silly game.

Belief that one side has the moral high ground is what leads one to dehumanize the other side. Once the others are dehumanized, it’s easy to wish them ill.
That manifests itself softly in rejoicing when others are unhappy (i.e. OMG it’s going to be so much fun to see their heads explode) and can progress in openly wishing them harm, at times physical harm - and then of course at the most heightened form actively working to physically harm others.
This is precisely what’s lead us to where we are. And if we want to deescalate or chill, it’s exceedingly simple - drop the idea that “my” side is somehow better and “their” side is worse.
Sort of like - “I am an ass, you’re an ass, everyone’s an ass, what are you gonna do ? Let’s get a beer and talk about it”


Honestly at this point we could all throw the dice on the table and initiate a new constitutional convention. Lay it all out on the table. Form an entirely new government and write an entirely new constitution.

The French have had five Republics since 1793. With five different constitutions.

Jefferson spoke about expectations for the form of government they created. He expected it to last twenty to thirty years.

I’m not saying that I support it, since I love the constitution as it is written. I’m just playing devil’s advocate and making suggestions about how to regain the trust.