When did this recent with gun rights start and why?

See: NYC. Except homogeneous.

If you ban it, they will bring it.

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I pretty much agree with everything in this statement, especially the last one.

We are particularly bad at root cause analysis.

Mainly because the first reaction to everything is a visceral emotional reaction…and root cause analysis takes time and dispassion.

And then because nowadays the loudest voices don’t want to actually solve problems.

They want to use them as wedges and clubs.

If our culture wants stricter gun regulations, pushing for stricter gun regulations isn’t an attack on our culture.

Personally, I don’t believe in utopias. I just want the US to stop leading the world in mass shootings.

Sorry if that is an affront your culture. An American majority agrees with me.

The NRA supported those laws, and in fact worked with congress to craft and pass them.

I generally agree with everything you said except for the motivation. We’ve had guns since the day this country was founded. We’ve had these guns for decades, in some cases over a century. We’ve had armed criminals.

What we didn’t have was a bunch of broken-assed kids.

We don’t want to address this issue because it would force us to admit we were wrong about pretty much everything having to do with raising children and stop blaming government and look in a mirror. Or let the government raise our kids.

We don’t address mental health at all. We don’t teach manners. We act like 15 year-olds are our equals and their opinions on the world matter.

We are breaking these kids’ minds and pretending like it’s the fault of a piece of steel and plastic.

A 60% increase in teen suicides since 2007. That’s not COVID. Are the root causes different than for shooting up grocery stores?

Shut-ins, anti-social, friends instead of parents.


I don’t care. We don’t vote on rights.

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And look what happened. They gave an inch and the leftist just kept pushing for more. Plus nothing they gave an inch prevented one death.
When are the leftist going to admit that guns are not the problem.
Crazy people are the problem.
I will know that the left really cares about the deaths of people in mass shootings when they start wanting to look into the real problem.

We’ve never had this many guns. We’ve never had this many mass shootings.

I agree that we need better UHC to help keep people healthy though.

UHC will not prevent one death from mass shootings. You all need to stop looking for the government to fix the problem and admit what the real problem is.

I have. Are you saying I am making it up?

I am confident the police, or military person is well trained to use it.
Some random dude in camo, not so much.

I never said Europe did not have organized crime.

You tell me what the cartels are trafficking besides drugs. What is the breakdown?

Not pertinent.

Just because we are a nation of immigrants, does not mean we are not all Americans.

I read the books you suggested, about the tribal attributes to different geographies…you overplay that card immensely.

:rofl: Of course you do.

Who do you want to lead it?

Is our teen suicide rate higher or lower than Norway? Switzerland? Japan?

It is extremely pertinent and ridiculous to claim otherwise. And you know it.

There it is again…not banning it.

But it, register it, be trained on how to use it.

I would agree to a ban of high capacity clips.

for hunting, If you can’t hit your target with 5 shots…time to find something else to do.

dunno. I was talking about mass shootings.

It is a factor, that you put much more weight on than is applicable.

We disagree.

That number is for burglaries.

From the CDC;