What's your opinion on oversight

I can complain now all I want…

You can, but it makes you look bad.

Lol…the irony

From his signing statement it sounds like the President expects the IG to clear things through the oval office before taking it to congress.

That’s not oversight. That’s more executive privilege to obscure transparency…

Yeah but you need to complain after he does it because…corruption is cool

I guess the thinking is ‘he hasn’t hidden anything yet’ so let’s wait. Never mind the signing letter provides the mechanism for hiding stuff and this President has shown he loves to hide stuff. We shouldn’t have to wait to complain about the mechanism.

If he hides it and if we take what he did during the impeachment and Mueller court cases we know he will delay delay delay.

Just seems like more excuse making from partisans who only actually care when it’s a dem in office

If the congress think he is abusing executive privilege, they can take that case through the courts. Maybe executive privilege does need protecting in those cases. I certainly wouldn’t automatically assume the Dems had the legal high ground.

They tried to write oversight into the law but now the president has said he will ignore it.

Maybe they will go to court. I believe presidential executive orders have been challenged in court before.

Can he claim executive privilege for future situations ahead of time?