What's with this fake White House set made for television?

It is on topic.

He’s pointing out your statement is inaccurate because it’s incomplete.

There is nothing that most politicians do that isn’t theater.

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Not a problem. Matter of convenience I’d imagine.

I’m flattered you want to try and make this about me still. We all know how much your post count means to you but I have no desire to spend the 500 posts trying to pass a SneakySFDude purity test.

The confirmation that your concern with consistency is just a lip service as much appreciated however.

Could be.

We’ve been living in dystopia since the world began.

All politics is theater and always has been.

Because all people respond to stories…not facts.

Trump is flattered you want to make everything about him.

What is my post count?

Are you confusing “consistency” with something else?

Wake up philosophical this morning?

I wake up philosophical every morning.



What makes this particular bit of hair on fire amusing to me is that not a soul here whose hair is on fire set it on fire on their own.

The New York Post lit it on fire for them…deliberately.


I haven’t seen a soul with their hair on fire.



That this thread exists is evidence of the fire.

How often do you see threads pontificating on the fact that water is wet?

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Literally everything a president or vice president does an official thing is on a set. There are cameras and lighting and props every single time.

You’re finally getting the point.

Suggesting that Kamala getting a jab on a set is worthy of note is a giant nothingberder.

That’s literally what he wants. Lolz.

no, it’s not

your first post to the thread and it’s cheerleading



HeyPsuedoSocratesGetBent dot com



< checks head >

no, my hair is not burning

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The next time you post that isn’t cheerleading will be the first time.


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lol. mmkay

Trump was president who did official things on a set. This thread is about a VP doing things on a set, but the suggestion is that THIS TIME, it’s an issue.

Since you’re not actually concerned about consistency I can see how this would be confusing and why you would continue trying to make this about me.