What would you do if Iran responds?

Of course it is. I’ll put you down for supporting letting hundreds of thousands of “mass murderers” walk while Americans were actively being tortured to death.

You can do as you please. But the subject is this.

What do we do IF Iran responds?

I answered already, pay attention to your own thread.

I’m going to walk away for a while and let you simma down. Plus I need to get to the Gym. :muscle: Your emotions have gotten you all worked up. Besides. I already know your opinion. So what’s the point? Cheers! :beers:

Like I said, I answered already, you are the one deflecting from your own thread trying to be divisive, and portray people as supporters of terrorists and Iran, if they don’t answer in a black and white way that satisfies you.


Trump just made a statement and couldn’t even say the dudes name correctly.
He must have been doing it to piss off their people more. Good plan.

If it leads to trillions spent on a war with thousands of our troops dying? Probably not.

Trump couldn’t best a drunk child at connect 4.

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I find it interesting that this dude was on Bush’s and Obama’s radar. And it would seem that they considered the risk-reward component was not worth it at the time. So it will be interesting to see what the latest intel was that prompted this attack. The Head of the Joint Chiefs just issued a statement that doing this action now was far better then taking no action. I agree with the Congressmen and Senators who are asking the administration what their plan is going forward. I think we citizens need a lot more information before we determine if this was a good move at this time.

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A middle east expert said today that Iran has a playbook that is available to quite a few in the upper echelon of the government and military. So cutting off the head of the snake does not kill the body.

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I love playing that with my 8 year old granddaughter.

Indeed. And while there is no doubt this guy held substantial sway with the Supreme Leader, and with his Qud forces, he still was immediately replaced with someone that will work to fulfill whatever their agenda may be.Time will tell what the ramifications of this will be. I, for one, am very war weary.

Who was the expert?

Martin Fletcher. Former correspondent turned author.

I’ll accept him. Tentatively.

Holy ■■■■■

You guys should add this to the Articles of Impeachment!

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Most westerners can’t pronounce many Arabic names. They just seem like random foreign syllables strung together.


It’s probably why Obama pronounced it Pokey-stohn.

I thought he was talking about the place where Gumby parked his horse…

I think the real question is…what the Hell is Trump Going to do?

Isn’t that more important right now that what you…altair would do.

She beats you, doesn’t she?