What would you do if Iran responds?

Killing IRGC Quds Force Chief Qasem Sulameini.

Special envoy to Iran.



I seem to remember us blowing an Iranian airliner out of the sky? It’s funny how people bring up hostages at our embassy in 79, but never this horrific mistake. There have been tens of thousands of civilian casualties in the region as a result of the wars started in 2003.

Do you think some Iranian counterpart to you is making the same argument? Are they justified in doing so?

We are enemies, and have lots of reason to hate each other. It’s not in our interest to continue this blunder started in 2003.

Because we know Iran has always been so kind to us right? Amazing that all of a sudden Iran is the good guy who has never done anything and is a victim of retaliation for no reason. :roll_eyes:

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Lots of made up arguments being thrown around.

Hawks spreading their wings. People better get prepared for being called unpatriotic. The war drums are bumpin.


Well, y’all keep defending Iran. Looks good.


How would you feel as an Iranian about Iran Air Flight 655?

They are not the good guy, but I sure don’t feel like one either with some of our past and present actions.

Not wanting to continue to blunders started in 2003 is not “defending Iran”.

Hiding behind your pillow and acting as if we ignore their actions didn’t work either,

Sometimes I think some people would be happy with another hostage crisis or worse. Anything, as long as we sit on our hands and pretend it will go away.

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No one is defending Iran. We are criticizing this escalation.

I’m gonna guess all of those people who conveniently became critical of the Iraq war after vehemently supporting it are going to be gung-ho for an Iran war.


Hey remember like 4 years ago when Iran was abiding by the nuclear deal we set up? It’s a good thing we threw that out before we decided to escalate the situation.


Where have you been the last two decades? We have been doing anything but hiding behind a pillow… more like punching wildly at anyone within range.

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While Iran continues doing what they do.

If you believe Iran is actually on the up and up with that, I can’t help you.

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There’s about 40% of Republicans who are unaccounted for in polling re: Iraq from when it was going on to today.

At the time the invasion and occupation of Iraq had well over 90% approval from Republicans, today its less than half of that and they’ve been replaced by those who who say they were always against invading and occupying Iraq.

It’s probably the same Republicans who were Tea Partiers and were “always “ against spending and deficits but can’t seem to be found now.


Amazing. Simply amazing.

The Trump folks revolted against the “establishment” because of policies like neocon hawkish policies, and totally screwed up the US government.

Now they want to return the government to being neoconish.

Good Lord…


If you had a fact-based position to start from, you wouldn’t need agreement beforehand to make your argument.

Yes, we know. Iran has done nothing wrong.

No they weren’t.

Did you reply to the wrong person? We’re talking about the deal, not Iran in its entirety.