What will need to happen to Democrat cities like NY and LA when the plagues break out in them?

Trump logic.

Much cheaper

Please donā€™t disturb the matrix with the truth. Repeat after me, ā€œItā€™s Trumpā€™s fault.ā€

Carnies, raccoons, effeminate men and Trumpā€¦small hands, itā€™s not a coincidence.

Tiny digits are the Devilā€™s tools.

Watch lists, inability to get a Visa, etc.

I thought Visas were easy to forge and identities easy to fake? At least that was the excuse given when Trumpā€™s travel ban was being debated.

Also do you have any proof that a single muslim terrorist has entered our country in such a manner?

Donā€™t want to keep opossums outā€¦they are quite useful how they eat a lot of the pest insects we have.

Marsupial nationalists?

Until Marsupial-Verify is in place we need to shut the entire thing down, just until we figure out what the hell is going on.

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No, Iā€™ve decided to try holding out for original thoughts.

Thatā€™s a pretty Common response anymore.

If somebody wants to take drugs,who are we to stop them?

Truly a mark of evil. Some of our ancestors developed these stunted sandwich clamps to be able to better pick locks, pockets and steal cabbages. These genetically deformed children of the devil gave rise to the villains who now rule the world.


Youā€™re on point today, sir. :laughing:

Good thing President Trump has promised is the best and lowest cost healthcare. And he has said the Republicans will be ā€œthe party of healthcareā€ in 2020. I suppose you donā€™t think Donald Trump can deliver.

Iā€™m not a victim of ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  what are you on about?

Maybe if you ask questions, you wonā€™t need to ā€œinferā€.

ā€œRavaging crisis!ā€ Bull ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  Your drug addictions are neither my problem nor my business. Nor the governmentā€™s issue to get involved in.

Where are they getting them?

I didnā€™t misquote you.

You asked for a reason why someone may try this, I gave you one. I never claimed it was occurring, although there is evidence of people from Africa trying it.

Possum pie. Yum. Anyway. Opossums are North American That automatically makes them better then nasty kangaroos which are foreign.


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