What will happen next with the black vote?

Not at all.

The GOP needs to do the hard work to sell their ideas to as many voters as possible.

This is 2020… make an appeal directly to the voter and deliver on that.

If the voter isn’t buying what you are selling then figure out what you can sell them and punch that up.

You don’t need to go to “leaders” for that. The fact that there is a need to go to “leaders” because they are black is part of the problem.

Think of how bonkers I would sound if I were to say that the DNC needs to go to the leaders of the white community.

Are you seeing the problem?

It may cause a little drift away. But I think it’s more likely to cause apathy as inner city people look at the way city leadership has let them down. Standing down and watching their neighborhoods get ravaged. They might just give up and stay home. Then again, I could be totally wrong.

As I said before… stop assuming that all Black people live in the inner city and that is the vote that the GOP should go after.

There are a ton of rural, religious black voters that the GOP could make appeals to.

They just have to do the hard work to do it.

Maybe stop assuming that the inner city are hell holes.

A block of voters is not going to do anything without the buy in of the people they consider leaders.

Pols, Academics, etc.

GOP baubles are not going to overcome the narrative. All the dems have to do is remind them, then promise something different and better.

We can disagree.

Agreed, there are.

And what can the GOP offer them that hasn’t already been offered?

Criminal justice reform was good. And the record low black unemployment was awesome. But it’s really tough sledding for the GOP. They are constantly being ridiculed and fighting the racism accusation. Their input is usually dismissed. We need to understand that most Americans of all races desperately want racial harmony. Nearly everyone you know does, and nearly everyone I know does. We need to stop weaponizing race. I would start there.

That isn’t that true any more.

Once again. Think of how bonkers it would be to say one must appeal to white leaders.

Go for the individuals.

It wasn’t enough and that was a continuation of Obama’s economy that is gone now because Republicans blew the corona response. The GOP is led by a racist.

See how easy it is to erase?

To be considered as equal.

Look at the conversations that are had around African American voters.

Words like plantation, leaders and inner city are thrown around.

Sell them the product of GOP political philosophy and how it could work for them.

Don’t just say that they are being fooled by the Dems. Give an actual alternative that they want.

A different path to the same outcome.

The GOP needs to stop being constant victims about why they can’t get the black vote.

Work for it.

That is what has to happen.

What isn’t true any more.

If you want the white redneck vote you do. How are you going to overcome decades of mistrust through propaganda.

When I say BLM and pols, I’m talking about leaders and supporters, not those screaming teenage white girls. BLM was probably the wrong name.

What is the GOP going to do to get the rural religious black vote? Who is going to tell them, yeah, vote for those guys, that’s a good program for us?

Agreed. What’s job one?

Okay let us talk about the white redneck vote.

Let us make appeals to the white redneck leaders.

Who are they. We should talk to the leaders of that bloc instead of the individuals.

See how bonkers that sounds?

Rural religious black voters are pretty conservative. Those are voters that the GOP could get.

They don’t though.

In 2020 there is the ability to talk to them directly. It would take effort… but if the GOP actually made appeals to the values that those voters have, then they could get them.

Not for me to figure out.

Yep. Race is their best weapon. And they are not shy about using it.

What platform plank do I as a GOP candidate offer rural religious black voters to show I consider them equal?

They are going to vote practically en masse for the candidate who has already promised to raise taxes. What do I offer them that I haven’t already shown them?

Look at your post. Everything in it is feelings, emotions, words. Philosophy. All if which is easily destroyed by narratives from the very people I mentioned earlier. All it takes is the telling of a story.

Nor should they be, it’s real. It is their context. Racism is the natural state. It will always exist. And therefore must be fought even if we can’t see it. Just like fascism.

It existed once, therefore it will always exist. I just have to find it and point it out. It’s everywhere in everything.

Tell a better story.

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The DNC certainly doesn’t work for it. Totally taking the black vote for granted. Offering them nothing but victim status. Claiming they cannot succeed without the democrats helping them. They have done nothing but weaponize race for over 50 years. The blacks who have left the party may have left for that reason. Among others.

Making a black woman the VP pick is a nod to their most loyal voters.

Diversifying the representation of the party is part of the story that they tell to win over voters.

Stop being a victim about how the GOP can’t win the African American vote and go out and get it.