Here we go again. Everything Trump attempts to do, the left will judge shop and attempt to put a stop to it. Google says there are over 677 District Judges. It is amazing to me that anyone of these 677 judges can stop presidential action for any reason. Often, judges seem to make rulings knowing they will be shot down just to delay the inevitable. This really needs to stop. What if a District Judge had attempted to stop the Normandy Invasion?
The Judicial branch themselves should fix this. They need to make a change. They should set up a court that deals with nothing but Presidential disputes. They would answer directly to the Supreme Court. By doing this, neither side would be able to “judge shop”. They could have a 5 or 7 judge panel, or several of these panels where the judges would be selected by lottery. The loser of the suit pays the court costs.
The answer to this is simple, restrict district court decisions to the district they serve. They are federal district court judges, not national judges.
However…with the Cheif Justice Roberts and the other tool Barrett, the way they are… …
I see a dim prospect of Trump winning on many isues eventho he is correct.
So…for those rogue Judges only a banana peal is the viable option.
Threw a few around and the problem dissappears.
OK…seriously, I hope SCOTUS puts this issue to rest, somehow.
why should a district court judges edict extend beyond the courts jurisdiction? They can’t try cases outside of jurisdiction, why should they be able to edict outside of it?
Dems or reps cant judge shop they can however venue shop so that’s why. @Ben_Natuf proposal actually makes sense.
But anyway t district courts aren’t answerable to a higher court other than for purposes of ethics.
There is no need to set up a separate court for presidential act analysis. Keep them restricted to their district until the Supreme Court makes it national.
Right and for the most part this is why the Supreme Court takes on decisions - because different district courts and then circuit courts differs in their application of the law
my basic question, is how did they ever get the power to make decisions that extend beyond their own jurisdiction? There is nothing in the constitution or law that would grant that.
I don’t really have an issue with Barret. While I do not agree with some of her conclusions, they do seem to at least be constitutionally bound. Roberts is just a politician in a dress.
They’re wasting tax dollars on nonsense.
They’re making ambulance-chassing lawyers rich.
They don’t even have jurisdiction.
They’re abetting criminals and throwing citizens under the buss.
Yet they moved not an inch when the Summer of love and other nonsense and hysteria took place.
I say that what is about to happen to this dipwit district judge who thinks he can stop a POTUS from doing his Constitutional duties is about to be made the example of…what will happen when you attempt this.
fairly certain they just did it and no-one ever stopped them. This should have been nipped in the bud 250 years ago. No judge should have any authority whatsoever beyond the jurisdiction they serve in.