What the hell is systematic racism?

No, that is not systemic racism. It is privilege. Jim Crow laws were systemic racism.


Fact is, I live in a majority black part of town and I know maybe 2 black people. The heads are all white as well. I work in a business that requires a computer science degree. So, either blacks don’t like computers or only white people do.

Show me

Did I make any mention of a political party? You keep making up these narratives and applying them to me.

I agree actually. Good point. It is hard to define a system but define one thing. One thing isn’t itself racist, its the accumulation of lots of privilege that drives the system.

Are you saying that TSA is a racist institution? Which race do they discriminate against?

So are you saying Blacks don’t participate?

At my company our best I.T. man is black. How did he make it past systemic racism and your folks did not? This should not be possible. Systemic racism effects everyone. That’s why we call it systemic. Right?

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Not racism?

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You are right. Anarchists and looters and those who will exploit any situation they can to engage in destruction and mayhem are still with us.


I think its deeper. Its easier to see systemic racism by starting off with the premise that if there wasn’t systemic racism we would see equal or close to equal representation of race and sex within key elements of our economic and social system. Do we see that?

Which were caused by what?

More or less, we have trouble defining it, but you see the consequences of it.

Nope. As a matter of fact, TSA isn’t really the point of the comparison.

Something that happened to our country 20 years ago, still impacts us today. Just like something that happened 50 years ago can impact people today (like Jim Crow)

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You are focusing on the what… but not the why.

If you leave the reservation you loose all your rights as an Indian.

It’s not hard to define at all.

Still lacking a succinct and clear definition.

When we get one the problem will be 2/3 solved.

Is the DNC guilty of systemic racism?

Yes racism isn’t a left vs right issue.

Such as?