What the hell is systematic racism?

School funding is often tied to property taxes. I can’t speak for others, but I know for Arizona this is the case.

From the urban planning center, “School funding is a blend of federal, state, and local dollars. Local funding largely comes from property taxes. Federal money, which accounts for just 10 percent of all education funding, tends to target low-income students or other distinct groups. State funding is where things get complicated.” source

Before 9/11/01

No TSA. Ability to meeting family and friends at the terminal. Could bring liquids on a plane from outside the airport.Could park outside of baggage claim and longer.


TSA exists. All rules above prohibited or restricted.

This is a near example of how a system can affect people for decades or generations. Just because something happened 50 years ago (Jim Crow) or 400 (slavery) doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an impact on society today.

The entire government was built to keep 1 race in power. It kept that power in an overt fashion for almost 200 years.

Systemic racism is built IN not bolted ON.

TSA. Security check points. Can bring


they know the fortunes and lucky numbers before they go in the cookies…

What about the DNC? How are they Systemically racist?

And the system of policing in the country was built on racism. Slave patrols… through segregation… through all crime bills Of the 80’s and 90’s (some democrat sponsored).

There has been progress but we are still dealing with the Some of the same issueS that were around during the Watts Riots

How are you affiliated with systemic racism? What makes you guilty?

What a weird response… I never said they were

(bold added)

Actually, when you were raised in a reservation with minimal/non existant schooling, finding a job off the reservation isn’t “anybody can”.
Pulling one’s self up by the bootstraps is quite a task when historic racism has only given you a holey pair of sneakers.

Let me give you an example of “systemic privilege”. All parents want their kids to go to college. Rich parents have the money to live where they want, to move to places with good schools. Rich parents have the money for the kids to participate in extra curricular activities. Rich parents have the money to hire SAT coaches.
Poor parents don’t.

A college admissions system that (without trying to keep poor people out), an admissions system that looks at grades, SAT, extracurricular for admissions has the result of perpetuating income inequity. The poor have a harder time to get into college (and therefore to get good jobs to stop being poor) than the rich do. Nothing in the system has the goal of keeping poor kids out of college, but the result is that poor kids have a much harder time getting into college.


So what do you suggest?

Of course they are. Are they not part of the system? Or are they exempting themselves? Are they not mayors, CEO’s police chiefs, Speakers of the house? Are they blaming every part of the system except their part? Some how everybody is guilty but them? Are you going to let them get away with that? Does that fly with you?

Exactly. White supremacist don’t normally marry Asian women. He killed him no doubt but I don’t believe racism was involved. There was something else there. Don’t know if they had some history or some beef or Floyd news something that the cop was dirty and up to and he use that as a chance to take him out. Who knows. But the guy wasn’t a white supremacist racist.


Systematic racism doesn’t mean necessarily I am or you are guilty of anything. The system has been designed to feed on itself such that (not so that) minorities have difficulty thriving while whites do. Nobody is guilty, but we can be if we don’t acknowledge it exist and fix it by opening lines of credit and spending some money directly in minority neighborhoods in the same way we did with west Germany to rebuild them. You are not guilty of anything.But you can do something now at least acknowledging that blacks have less access to quality education, higher rates of poverty, lower access to opportunity in general.

A white supremacist says what?

You certainly are. You’re part of the system. You just illustrated the problem. Everybody sees systemic racism, but nobody admits to being part of it. What makes you so innocent?

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Stick to your topic… you are going down tangents.

You asked what systemic racism is. I told you.


But you also falsely claimed that the DNC is not part of the problem. Systemic doesn’t mean only systemic for republicans and democrats get a pass. Or does it? :thinking:

I am guilty by always assuming that people had it equal when they don’t. You can always work your way out of things, but in America we have a system that isn’t equal as it should. Its like having a wall where the top is prosperity. Me being white, I can climb it easily by just grabbing it since its head height. But black people start off in a ditch created by years of slavery, and hatred. They still can climb it and nobody told them they can’t.They are starting off life at a disadvantage. yes, we can both get to the top of that wall, but I am guilty of not helping my fellow Americans climb out of the hole my ancestors dug. That is systemic racism. By seeing the hole and not filling it, we sure are guilty then.

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The Vicerory of the No Felons Left behind Kingdom. They’re non-essential.

What is the most obvious systemic racist problem within your company?

The Queen of the Nile would politely disagree. Then she would kill the Viceroy.

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