What the heck does the death of President Bush have to with Trump's press conference?


Disrespectful? For having a presser at the end of the G20?

People don’t stop talking just because a former president has died. When did it become a rule not to?

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You are making this up.

he could have even used it as an opportunity to start off by saying something really classy about HW.

I am your mirror image. :sunglasses:

Sure. Just like your sociopathic hero, childish remarks is all you have.

You’re making this up. :sunglasses:

Criminal-in-Chief is scared to have a press conference because he knows he’ll be caught in more lies.

He won’t be having anymore at all.

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Yes sir, quite a load of bull feces, the whole “disrespectful” spin some of our dear Trumplicans are taking on Fat Donald for once not taking the opportunity at bragging on himself for a lot of nothing.


TDS with those poor folks is a fierce ailment.

Trump Defense Sickness is so sad to witness firsthand.

Could have. But he didn’t. Instead he briefly gloated about the “great success” had at the G20 but then ducked under the cover of Papa Bush’s passing to avoid the media magnifying glass.

The day Fat Donald descended the Trump tower stairs and declared his intent to run for the Presidency.

Deflection duly noted!


Had it been his bro-lover Vlad Putin that had passed away I could understand him not holding a presser. Lord knows Fat Donald would be unconsolable if that should happen.


News Punch. That’s quite a publication.

I thought that, too, but I wasn’t sure with the fact he’d been kept away from the McCain funeral. And do I hope he doesn’t do something embarrassing? Actually, I do.

(And your wiki is open.)

It was people like McCain and Bush41 who showed us what real Americans used to be on the other side of the fence and seem to be dwindling under love of Trump.

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Both Boys #WINNING!



It’s like…where have all the flowers gone…amirite? :sunglasses: