What Should Donald Trump Say In His Speech Tonight

“I’ve made a huge mistake.”

Double plus if its a judge with a Mexican sounding last name.

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“I really have no idea what I’m doing.”

“I’m deeply sorry for putting the American people through this charade.”

Yes we all have dreams…

Like all those former Presidents?


Is Fox preparing the base, or are they briefing the President?



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Depends on how vocal and crazy Trump is about it. At the end of the the day McConnell an old ass man worried about his legacy and being the Republican majority leader who let a Republican President take the power of the purse away from the Senate would be the biggest disgrace imaginable.

It would be nice if he said

“Screw this - I’m stepping down as president. You losers can have it.”

However, I wouldn’t expect it.

I’m not sure. Mitch McConnell has to watch his right flank in Kentucky (primary threat) and he’s never been one to stand on principle. He can let the Democrats carry the water in the fight over power of the purse and bet that Trump loses in the Supreme Court given precedent on Roberts’ seeming concern about reversing the perspective that the court has become an arm of Republican governance.

I’ve long thought that McConell is waiting for the perfect time to backstab Trump. But he’s got to do it in a way that won’t piss off the Base too much. I’m guessing he will do it quietly, behind closed doors - but we will see.

No. He’s way more afraid of a young diverse Congress than he is of tiny trump.

Eh. No one is gonna fund a serious contender against McConnell. Senators don’t consider themselves inferiors of the president, they consider themselves his equal-after all, presidents comes and go but a powerful senator lasts a lifetime-and they are to a man on both sides incredibly protective of the institution itself.

And they’ll defend it as just Trump doing what needed to be done with the power he has as president.

“This president is leading the nation on a national emergency that only he can solve and has the political will. The American people, all they need is a strong leader. He’s it.” – Lou Dobbs

We need to make sure that the GOP/American right (same thing) owns this flaming, toxic, authoritarian sewage for a hundred years.


Remember when they fought against the dictatorial abuses of the Obama “Regime”- using executive orders to act like a king. Watch the 180 in full swing…

He needs to use the words litteraly and seriously

The Czars. The Czars!

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Remember theboitrage when Obama admin proposed a bill to congress and it was executive overreaching?

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You may be right that the big money won’t back a challenge to McConnell but the big money did not back Eric Cantor’s challenger and if you can find one Peter Thiel clone you can be off to the races.

If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can come out of nowhere…

Maybe I’m being myopic, but I do not see Mitch McConnell ever taking a principled stand.

What I want to happen…

  • I want him to tell the truth and not lie every other statement that spews from his mouth.

  • I also need for him to talk to the American people and not just his base.

  • I need to know why is it practical to build a wall.

  • State that he is willing to compromise with the democrats and get people back to work. Payday is Friday and we are going to have hundreds of thousands folks not going to be able to pay their bills.

  • Finally, he continues to talk about gangs, drugs and human trafficking and equating it to Latinos coming from the south. I’m going to need for him to address those mafias from Russia and other former soviet states who are doing the same exact thing.

What will happened…
Declare a state of emergency, open the government, and claim victory over the enemy liberals