What politicians would do what McCain did and tell a bigot your opponent was a good American and a patriot?

“But if you look at this precise, narrow definition of the word ‘proven,’ Trump is ACTUALLY the most innocent man who ever lived – supplanting Jesus Christ, himself!!!”

The alphabets have been brainwashing people into their style since before cable and talk radio.

Since you breathlessly brought up “the don”, I’m sure you have the same view of him as being beyond evil since his stories on the Trump Tower meeting (and several others) have changed multiple times, just like the way you cited Clinton’s changing story on cattle futures. Somehow I doubt it.

Redemption in the eyes of the devil.

What a concept.

The Don wasn’t at the tower meeting (unless you have proof otherwise that has never come to light) – and Hillary was in controll of her accounts (supposedly). So again apples to oranges.

and funny how The Don’s campaign is so evil because they met with a russian and didn’t get any information or anything. yet Hillary paid a lawfirm for “legal services” who then paid fusion GPS, who paid a foreign national who paid russians for information that was delivered and used.

Kind of funny when you think about it eh?

Yes it is kind of funny how evolving stories are ok if trump is involved.

Didn’t stop him from continually lying about it

Who knew that Hillary Clinton is the only metric for criminality!

From the mouths of right wing radio to your ears. It must be true, your hero’s said it.

They buy it all hook, line,and sinker. The déplorables were begotten from lying right wing pundits who gained riches by dividing the nation into “them” and “us.” No love of country.

There aren’t many politicians out there like McCain. He actually has integrity. It’s a shame some in his own party nastily turned on him all for the sake of a cowardly fool like trump.

Alas, you’ve hocked your souls and threw away the receipt.

Papin was his biggest mistake. I voted for him in primaries. No way I’d put palin as 2nd in line though. Sorry senator McCain.

The other hilarious part is that “the don” is most commonly used to refer to the head of a crime family.

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Interesting point.

So you have no personal thoughts on what happened with the cattle futures or the rose law firm documents. Only what mainstream media tells you – it was a nothing burger?

I like how you’re smart enough to add the parenthesis caveat, because we all know that any day now we could find out he was conference-called into the meeting or invited a group of the participants upstairs immediately after.

C’mon now, you got infowars and OANN too.

What channel (free tv or cable) is Infowars on again?

Have no idea what OANN is.

On my smart TV? About 4 of em.

Oann was where O’Reilly was going to go until they realized that they can’t keep up with his hara$$ment tab.

4 am? On a smart tv (whatever the heck that is). never herd of oann sorry.

So one tv show at 4 am – who knows if it’s even on cable or sat tv or what obscure channel (says something that you know what time and probably what channel however :slight_smile:) an oann that appears to be another obscure channel probably not widely available.