What news media do you consume?

Which also relies on private charitable donations.

Double dipping?

Double dipping? Answered wrongly to Flyover and meant to to Nemesis.

Chuck Todd: “Why put Sean Spicer out, for the very first time, to utter a provable falsehood?”

Kellyanne Conway: Attacks press. Doesn’t address the question.

Chuck Todd: “You did not answer the question of why the President asked the White House Press Secretary to come out, in front of the podium, for the first time, an utter a falsehood?”

Kellyanne Conway: “You’re saying it’s a falsehood. Sean Spicer, our Press Secretary, gave alternative facts to that.”

Remember, we’re talking about Spicer saying that the Inauguration had the largest audience ever. Do you consider that to be an actual fact?

What are you babbling on about. FYI NPR is not directly funded by federal money and the amount they receive is dwarfed by they way they are funded from other sources.

good example, because trump asked nothing of the sort. he asked them to look into what rightly appears to be corruption, as is his job, and right in line with present treaty

actual curious media/journalists would uncover/report this.

it’s all narrative bullcrap. trump isnt asking for foreign help in elections. he’s gruff but not that stupid. the russian collusion obviously now nonsensical hoax consumed these outlets. tgat should say a lot, unfortunately, about them

idiot schiff went on for months - MONTHS that he had real evidence of said “collusion.”. it all falls apart. nothing from liar schiff. does wapo, cnn etc pressure him on it?? fudge no. like it never happened

these arent journalists. they are jokes

you might have seen, known actual good journos in the business. i hope so, because they are no where near the front line of what gets presented.

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Then you are OK with the FED $$ being pulled off and let the voluntary $$ from citizens? I don’t ‘babble’.


I have no issue with it. I do not agree it should be pulled but if our elected representatives decide to stop it then thats what happens.

There are far more important issues facinf our country.

Why not be clear with the point you are trying to make instead of asking question after question.

And your source for this is…?

As far as we know, you get all your facts as a subscriber to Trump’s twitter feed, perhaps Hannity and Rush and Levin? You seem to echo their talking points.

Or you get your facts from your family members.

Do they watch a variety of news shows? Are any of them in politics?

Did you read the article about “Confirmation Bias”?

Can you supply a link to any news source that directly contradicts - stating facts rather than opinions - any NY Times story regarding Trump? IF SO, THAT IS EXCELLENT. WE CAN DISCUSS THE DIFFERING NARRATIVES.

What is your opinion of Trump’s actions regarding Turkey and the Kurds?

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Don’t mean to appear to be picking on you, ThinkingMan, but you remind me of my aunt. (Small sample size, I know.)

She is an ardent Trumpist. She doesn’t watch TV news. She doesn’t read the papers except for local news. (skimming over any national headlines that appear in her small city paper).

She does watch Trump, and everything she knows about people “talking bad” about Trump comes from him. She doesn’t fact check him. She believes his narrative that he’s the most picked upon President in history and people are out to torpedo his presidency…and so anyone who tells her differently she just ignores.

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Your interpretation of the phone call and that of others on both sides of the aisle with more knowledge than either of us differs. I’ll take their word.

And I’ll repeat what I said previously … news is not always what we wish it to be.

Just to add what I posted earlier. It wasn’t as you stated. Admin. officials are stating otherwise.


What you said about this site is what I find on Yahoo’s news site very often, except it’s the reverse - the implication of a provocative, anti-Conservative or anti-Trump headline will not bear out in the text of the article.

Right now, on TV, the news/commentary show I watch most often is Tucker Carlson because he offers, IMHO, the best insight, the widest variety of guests and is the best interviewer. The latter is a skill that not many people have, and can often make an otherwise good topic unwatchable. I miss Greta Van Susteren interviews - she was a superb interviewer. On Fox, I occasionally watch The Five, Life, Liberty and Levin and love Greg Gutfeld’s show.

Streaming - I watch Eric Metaxes’s (sp?) interviews. Again - really skilled interviewer with guests that you don’t always see on “regular” cable. There are many very intelligent, well-informed commentators, but I don’t want to see them every night.

Online newspaper - Either the NY Post or a few of our local or regional papers.

Radio/podcasts - The Philadelphia area 5:30 AM - 9 AM guy, Rich Zeoli - good mix of local, national, stories-you-may-have-missed, humor. Podcasts that are of interest to me, none of them are political.

It shows. :roll_eyes:

Facts matter. What’s your excuse?

He was pretty clear actually. He watches what people are saying and doing instead of what some biased media type is SAYING they said and did.

Pretty smart actually.

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True. Do you do this as well?

Can you share some facts to prove that they do not adhere to journalistic standards.

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You probably remember Roy Fox and Perry marshal too.

I laugh when Rush claims to have invented talk radio. Cigna and Fox were very enjoyable and well informed and Christie probably gleened material from them while he was on KQV.

The media is monontone outside of FOX and a couple others. There is no difference, they follow the AP in print and don’t take any risks.


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