What isn't fake news to you?

Same people that hire reporters hire the editorial board. NY Times HR.

I’ll browse local news then catch Other channels if something catches my attention.

I think asking where you draw the line between hyperbole and flat out lying is a reasonable question. We are talking bout POTUS. Being able to make a clear unambiguous case when things like wars may happening is very important for a sitting president and the rest of the world.

Therein lays the problem. News should have no bias.

When I review the news of the day, I mostly look at headlines only. For instance Iran shot down a drone. I then quickly scan for the facts from multiple sources, making it a point to ignore anything that remotely resembles commentary or spin.

OK, then people should ignore all opinion sources as much as possible. Like Hannity, Limbaough, Maddow, Lemon, Fox and Friends, The View and Morning Joe?

Using this example what sources do use to try to confirm the Drone story? The BBC perhaps? I go to them when I I’m try to get info on an international story involving the US.

Let’s try this.

I have a brother in law who is full of himself. Every conversation has to be about him. Everything he does is the best.

I recognize that is who he is. I don’t waste any time trying to pin him down on his boasts to tell him that his claims are nothing but lies. He is a braggard. He exaggerates. That’s who he is.

That is exactly how I deal with Trump.

He exaggerates and speaks in hyperbole. He is full of himself. That’s who he is.

While lefties froth at the mouth over his every word, I simply ignore him. From my perspective, I’m happy with how things are going. He’s pretty much doing what he promised, or at least attempting to do so. Beyond that I simply don’t care.

You are referring to talk show hosts. I get nothing from any of them.

For headlines regarding the drone, I look at the major news organizations using the internet. CNN, FOX, etc.

Interesting. Thanks.

Do you ever wonder what road we are on if everybody gave every president this much leeway in hyperbole? How would we know when it isn’t?

I’m all about results. When assessing those results, I listen to experts from both sides and then come to my own conclusions. I pretty much ignore anything Trump has to say in that regard.

This is a good assessment. I’m glad you finally went into a littler more depth. I was also curious about this. Not specifically from you but from Republicans/Conservatives in general. I came here to learn about the other side and hopefully strengthen my current views or just flat out change them.

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This is why I usually avoid talking to you.

Your succinct response didn’t answer a simple question posed by another poster.

I could get into framing a discussion yet again, but I will refrain.

Bashing? Criticism isn’t bashing unless you’re trying to minimize it because it’s accurate.

Oh please do.

Is the question not answerable without re-framing it? It seemed simple enough:

“Where do you draw the line between hyperbole and out and lies?”

The only conclusion I can draw from your answers (or lack thereof) is that Trump doesn’t lie, he speaks in hyperbole.

I reframed and answered it already. That was a conscious decision on my part. I doubt you even realized that’s what I did, until I told you.

Start a thread. I would love to discuss framing with you.

Make no mistake, this is a Trump bashing thread.

I noticed. That was you not answering the question. No surprise. You still can’t answer it apparently or won’t clarify that Trump doesn’t lie, he deals in hyperbole.

Trump can’t be everywhere so it’s good he’s got supporters to play his victim cards in his absence.

If you truly understood what I did, you wouldn’t be continuing to beat this dead horse. :wink: