What is the goal of the climate bill again?

What’s that got to do with you?

So what was your reasons for wanting us out of Afghanistan?


Do you have any idea of what Brandon did to the US Military with that move?


No problem with the $2.3 trillion?

What’s that number?

Stopped spending an extra $100 Billion a year on a country halfway around the globe?

Dsylexia. I reversed the 2 and 3

$2.3 trillion spent in Afghanistan

I understand your attempt to be clever. I think you can imagine.

Are you counting the equipment?

Yes, that $84 billion is included in the $2.3 trillion… That equipment was never coming back, it was given to Afghan army. That they would give it to the Taliban as soon as we left is a failure of our intelligence gathering across 4 administrations

I’m bored with this, it’s like playing cards with my sister’s kids.


Overall he’s doing a pretty good job considering that he is one notch higher on the intellect level than Mr. Potato Head. :wink:


A five year loan on that car with a five thousand dollar trade in is around $300 a month. Easily affordable to someone making considerably less than 75k.

Issue is that you’ll never find them at that price new.

Hell you can’t find new Honda Civics for under 27 grand right now. And that’s for base models.

Mine is a 2018 Si trim. I paid 24,000 for it back in early 2018. I could sell it right now for 25,000 with almost 70,000 miles on it.

That’s the world we live in now.

GM and hopefully some other companies are just now trying to do something about that. GM is threatening to withhold warranties on new vehicles sold over MSRP.

Pretty much except they don’t supposedly believe in violent revolutions and feel they can win at the ballot box to get the same results in the end.

Terrible bills all…