What is the difference

Who signed the affidavit that led to the judge signing it?

That was all completely legal in the countries in which it occurred… Are you suggesting Steele should have approached a US judge?

As is one leader asking another one to do a favor. As is holding up military aid. As is paying a whore. As is taking advantage of bits on facebook.

Do you believe the Russians gave Steele his “intelligence” out of the goodness of their hearts?

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You think it is legal for Russians to give information to a Brit?

According to all of you it is a violation of law to influence an election using foreign sources.

I don’t see much of a difference, cut outs aside.

They must be having a meeting.

Yes…Comey signed it, the judge approved it.

Comey lied and that judge ought to have his ass but probably won’t in order to protect the FISA courts and system.

Who is the judge what signed the FISA warrant? Why hasn’t Trump declassified this as he promised months ago?

Look it up for yourself, we’re not your information service.

“I dont know”

I thought Obama wanted to know everything the Insurance Policy Team were up to? Maybe it wasn’t Obama’s idea to ask for it, but he certainly didn’t stop it when he heard about it.

Steele was hired by Fusion GPS who was hired by Republicans for Trump oppo before they were hired by Dems.

Ok, hired by who Dems?

Was Steele hire by Clinton campaign lawyers and the DNC or was he hired by Fusion GPS?

Though Steele seems exactly the type of person that would be hired. A former spy with expert knowledge on Russia. Also an informant for the FBI. He had credibility.

Obama was not using the power of the presidency for personal/political gain.

So what have is a thin connection trying to be made between what we had in 2016 and what we see going on now.

In 2016 there was evidence of a concerted effort by Russia to effect our elections. This was happening before the investigation into the Trump campaign. That effort was widespread social engineering, the dissemination of stolen material for embarrassment, the hacking into the voter rolls across all 50 States, and making contacts with campaigns.

More on making connections with the campaigns.

The investigation into the Trump campaign began when a staffer got drunk and blabbed in a bar (irony considering Guiliani these days) about the stolen material. There were multiple contacts between campaign staff and foreign intelligence agents all throughout the campaign. though in the end it could not be determined to any legal degree that there was a criminal conspiracy.

During this time, a former staffer, Carter Page, who had been under investigation before traveled to Russia and used his Russian contacts to push his own pro Russian ideology onto the campaign’s already decidedly pro Russian foreign policy. Because of his former contacts with Russian intelligence and other information obtained (including the section about him in the Steele dossier) a FISA warrant was obtained and renewed several times.

We do not know the full extent of the surveillance or of all of the information in the FISA warrant, but it seems that everyone who has seen the fully unredacted version immediately shuts up about how terrible it is.

So to recap, in 2016, there was already a known concerted effort by a hostile foreign intelligence service to effect the elections and that same foreign government was making tons of contacts with people who worked inside a Presidential campaign that more and more became pro Russian ( for probable reasons that were found out after the election) and whose candidate publicly called for interference into said election.

How does that compare to now?

Well now we have the same candidate, who is now the President using his authority to withhold foreign aid to Ukraine with a wink and a nod that they will open a a long dead investigation into a potential political rival’s son and construe that the actions of Joe Biden acting as Vice President was not in the interest of the Untied States but in the interests of himself … kind of like what President Trump is doing… in order to effect the 2020 election.

All of that is bad.

Then the President under the noise of helicopter rotors went all Col Jessup ordering the code red right there on the South Lawn for all of the world to see and not only admitted to trying to pull Ukraine into interfering in the upcoming elections but invited China to do so also.

So… yeah… totally the same thing.

There is one thing that is common between 2016 and now.

The Trump Supporters don’t care.


We know you all dont see any difference.

You guys are taking the hammer approach when it’s not the same.

Weve had numerous threads on this issue with steele. You are not going to change your mind on this issue.

What trump did is illegal. What steele did is not. What the dnc did is not. You’ve been given the long reasonable reasons as to why it’s not and you just dismiss them as usual because you always know better than everyone else.

The same routine day in and day out from you.

And I know you dont care about my opinion blah blah blah…like I said.same routine…


It’s possible that Fusion GPS was hired first by some Republicans to do oppo research on Hillary and , and the Repubs were offered the same kind of Steele collated dirty stories about Hillary, thought their information on Hillary was too unbelievable so they fired them. And when Hillary’s team approached them they just changed Trump’s name into hers.

Why waste good research already paid for, eh?