What Is Liberalism and Why Does It Matter?

Sure you are. You want “stuff” addressed because of what happened years ago to the collective. Then you turn around and claim individuals were oppressed.

Do you get participation by virtue of being black (collective) or do we address a platinum plan to only oppressed individuals?

Now that all men are created equal, what are you going to do for the next chapter? The promise is complete.

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See my response to Sneaky in Post 18. Classic Liberalism isn’t about the social issues.

Protection of individuals…from other individuals… isn’t that social?

I’m talking about the social issues of today, i.e. abortion, LGBTQ, etc. There’s nothing specifically about that in Classic Liberalism (from my link anyhow).

The Surgeon General of the United States just said “equity” when discussing the vaccine.

Is liberalism the philosophical source for the founding of this country?

no, it was more manifest destiny than liberalism…

I am a liberal and not a socialist. I am a huge believer in regulated capitalism and all of its trappings.

I know what I am and nobody can tell me who I am. Not a socialist, a liberal.

It’s why I could never pull the trigger and vote for Sanders for POTUS.


You are a Big Government Union Dem.

I don’t understand your point… are you are defining liberal as one who entertains maximum freedom for oneself at the expense of others as the philosophy for the founding of the nation? it certainly was not maximum freedom for all humans, white male Christians perhaps, but not all people by any means…

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Manifest destiny came after the founding of the country.

I will agree the start was uneven. Has the promise of the vision now been fulfilled?

the term “manifest destiny” may have been coined after the founding, but manifest destiny was more in the philosophy of the founders than maximum freedom for all ever was…

the vision of maximum freedom for all? no, it cannot be fulfilled…

Why are you saying “maximum”?

What are you basing these claims on?

I am also A paying member of the ACLU. I support 100% the BLM movement.

You can’t pigeonhole me. Lol.


perfection is usually a divine adjective… perfect freedom is unattainable within the mortal coil…

I suppose I have a different view of human nature

Big Government Union Dem.

You have no idea what BLM even is.



On second thought, I like “maximum”.

the vision of maximum freedom for all? no, it cannot be fulfilled…

What are you basing this on? The vision of “all men are created equal…” has been fulfilled. Change my mind.

Telling me, I don’t know something is counter productive to our discussing the topic at hand.

Of course I know what BLM movement is. You don’t like it. I understand that.


I love BLM. You don’t know what it is.