What Is Liberalism and Why Does It Matter?

Hopefully. Right now they are locked in a vicious cycle and inertia has them paralyzed.

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From my link:

Based on the ideas of Adam Smith, classical liberals believe that individuals should be free to pursue and protect their own economic self-interest free from undue interference by the central government. To accomplish that, classical liberals advocated a minimal government, limited to only six functions:

  • Protect individual rights and to provide services that cannot be provided in a free market.
  • Defend the nation against foreign invasion.
  • Enact laws to protect citizens from harms committed against them by other citizens, including protection of private property and enforcement of contracts.
  • Create and maintain public institutions, such as government agencies.
  • Provide a stable currency and a standard of weights and measures.
  • Build and maintain public roads, canals, harbors, railways, communications systems, and postal services.

My assumption is that the social issues that attached themselves to Liberalism began with the Hippie movement of the 1960’s along with the anti-Christianity movement of academic and Hollywood liberals.



Adam Smith was an economist, was he not? Try Locke.

Both are influential:
“Adam Smith, the second father of classical liberalism, reinforced the laissez-faire philosophy with his seminal work, “The Wealth of Nations.” The Scottish philosopher wrote of the “invisible hand” guiding the course of free markets.”

Made up of individuals. A collective that was collectively oppressed for almost 200 years by this government.

What social experiment?

So do you agree that social issues are what keep conservatives from being liberal?

Collective. You haven’t been.

You said

Of course. I’ve been on this board continually acknowledging the damage the government has done in the black community. From local police to congress.

The social experiment that libs been doing for last 60 plus years.

Good question!

What is your point? The government oppressed a collective. That was my point.

You mean CRA/VRA? Stop being so cryptic if you want to have a real discussion.

It didn’t oppress you. An individual.

You’re the one that singled out what government has done in the black community…I’m asking YOU should Blacks be exempt.

A simple question.

Never said YOU did. The government did. The government made up of elected officials. Individuals.

You are getting away from my original point.

I recognize the government can do harm to individuals… I also recognize the government should not do harm to its citizens and they are there to protect.

Exempt from what? Government oversight?

Government didn’t oppress you as an individual one iota more than it did me.

The inequality towards the collective was corrected long before you were born. All men are created equal at last.

What are you going to do now for a sequel?

Me personally? Correct. Again you’ve lost the plot. Go back to my reply to your OP. Me pointing out an historical example of what the government is capable of… does not mean that TODAY the same government is doing it to me

Collective made up of individuals. When my great uncle went to jail for refusing to leave a “whites only” hospital before he was ready… the collective didn’t go to jail. HE DID.

Or your collective. What are you going to do now for a sequel?

You’re trying to switch back and forth.

I’m not. You keep saying “collective” as if that means something when I comes to the example of government oppression I used.

Collectives didn’t go a jail for crimes against the white social structure. Individuals stood trial and went to jail.