What is Kamala Harris’s most noticeable and felt achievement while VP?

To the best of my knowledge, as Vice President and appointed to deal with our southern border crisis - essentially appointed as border czar by President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris was successful in encouraging and allowing millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and un-vetted terrorist foreign nationals, into the United States and our country’s inner cities. And, her achievement has surely been felt by countless American citizens as our headlines show:

Seems pretty clear Kamala has had great success as border czar and helping to destroy the United States from within which is the very object of our hate America crowd.


America’s wage-earning citizens have been made into taxed slaves by the Democrat Leadership to pay for the economic needs of millions upon millions of foreign nationals which Kamala Harris, our border czar, has invited into the United States.


Great snapshots of Kackles’ accomplishments as “border Tsar”.
Now find a signature piece of legislation she authored as a US Senator. Not “co-sponsored”, every useless legislator does that to pad their resume. Here’s a hint, you won’t find one. That skank shows up laughs incoherently then checks off the gratuitous DEI box.
Next, check out her record as a San Francisco DA and California Attorney General. Very telling and let’s just say unimpressive.
BUT, Joey did say “time to pass the torch”?
To burn America down? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


fweeling the fweedom

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No Democratic voter cares. You have to break eggs to make omelettes.

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Not cackling herself to death.



I think you meant to write “No Democrat Leader cares”.

I’m sure Madeline Brame cares!

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No, I meant voter. They’ve been led to believe that the issue is overblown, and overwhelmingly believe anybody that wants to be here should be allowed to come. There’s even House Democrats that believe the Statue of Liberty poem is law.

I would say her most notable achievement was claiming Biden isn’t a racist just before pointing out several instances that painted him as a racist.

That takes real courage to express such duplicity.


Getting Biden to drop out of the 2024 election.

By far the best accomplishment.


Making useless word salad.


How about Kamala’s “Freedom Fund” for rioters, looters and other law breakers?

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democrats dont care about “achievements” in fact they dont even care about the candidate.


her biggest achievement is becoming the most leftist senator.

watch her glitch when shes called out on her blatant lies over this.

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Her biggest achievement was convincing the Progressive Shadow Council that she’s every bit as willing to be their puppet as Biden was.


Getting the crowd to chant a variation of the very thing they attacked Trump for and enjoying it. :joy: :joy:

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About the same as JD Vance’s achievements as a Senator, I’m guessing.

I’m sure you are guessing, but see:

Vance’s Drive American Act

Also see:

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Any response I got would violate TOS and get me a time out. I got a couple really spicy memes worth a time out that I’m sitting on.
Suffice to say there are no accomplishments on her record, none.

That sounds like a bill I could support, but it hasn’t become law. Does proposing a bill count as an accomplishment?

I thought this was interesting:

His most ambitious legislative initiatives have arisen from partnerships with progressive Democrats: a sweeping railway safety reform bill co-authored by Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and an executive pay claw-back provision drafted with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Neither bill has received a vote on the Senate floor.


the obvious.

breaking ties in the senate.

thats all ANY veeps are good for.
