What is Kamala Harris’s most noticeable and felt achievement while VP?

Well, in this time of seeing the world and it’s way. With all the people, well, we all know, Uh, Hahahahahaha… Anyway that’s what she thinks…

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What a reference!! :heart::heart:

So, Oryx, what Bills, or Bill, has Kamala Harris introduced after being elected to the Senate in 2016?

J.D. Vance was lead sponsor of 36 bills after being elected to the Senate in 2023.

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I still think the dem plantation owners will install another candidate at their convention. She’s not ready for prime time.

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And crackling Kamala has used her tie-breaking vote to advance communist/socialist causes.

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Harris had nothing to do with Ol Joey calling it quits. The DNC power brokers did that. Harris becoming the de facto candidate that 14 million primary voters DID NOT vote for is just another power swap anointing Kackles as just another useful idiot for those calling the shots.

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Here’s a list: https://www.congress.gov/member/kamala-harris/H001075

The question was: What Bills, or Bill, has Kamala Harris introduced after being elected to the Senate in 2016?

I found none on the list which she authored and introduced.

By introduced I assume you mean sponsored? You must not have been looking very hard.

S.4781 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Asuncion Valdivia Heat Illness and Fatality Prevention Act of 2020 Sponsor: Harris, Kamala D. [Sen.-D-CA] (Introduced 10/01/2020) Cosponsors: (5)

S.4519 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) RELIEF Act Sponsor: Harris, Kamala D. [Sen.-D-CA] (Introduced 08/10/2020) Cosponsors: (0)

S.4207 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) A bill to amend the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended to require news outlets that are agents of a foreign principal to provide adequate disclosure of their status. Sponsor: Harris, Kamala D. [Sen.-D-CA] (Introduced 07/02/2020) Cosponsors: (3)

Keep looking on the link I posted and you’ll find many more.

What bills did Harris introduce that became law?

Well, let’s not assume, but clarify: What Bills, or Bill, did Kamala Harris author and was lead sponsor?

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The link I provided includes many bills that Harris sponsored. I even pasted three of them into a previous post so you wouldn’t have to find them yourself. Check it out.

Legislators write, introduce, sponsor bills ad nauseum. It’s part of their phony baloney jobs. The bills are read sometimes multiple times and are referred to various committees for approval. A majority are DOA from the jump but hey, you gotta have someone to blame right? Apparently Harris’ tenure in the Senate and producing junk legislation was her forte’. Without friends to support, her garbage remained just that. Perfect individual for the DNC to get behind, a purveyor of garbage.

That’s her “accomplishment” all right!!! :roll_eyes:

You have to be able to afford the ■■■■■■■ eggs though!:crazy_face:


So far she have avoided calls to be hung. So doing better than the last one.


Keep that rhetoric toned down. Wouldn’t want to disappoint the person who preached for calmer discussion while at the same time calling his opposition a threat to democracy and how he must be stopped.


Here is another one! Seems stiffing Netanyahu yesterday emboldened Kamala’s nut supporters! Talib held up a war criminal sign during his speech!

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It’s an insurrection! Where’s the arrests? Why isn’t she calling it an insurrection? She’s no different than Trump and January 6th, Trump condemn violence too.

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It’s OK to sacrifice American lives and well-being for the sweet sensation of feeling virtuous. No big (D)eal. :man_shrugging: