What is a "forever first lady"?

my thoughts too. really weird.

Neither did Trumps hands.
Neither did Trumps color.
Neither did Trumps two scoops of ice cream.

And yet…

Michelle Obama has literally never been in a position of power to have any direct impact on my life. Trump is in that position.

Sort of pathetic that this has to be pointed out to you. Sort of pathetic that the difference between ribbing a thin-skinned egomaniac and assuming a former first lady has some weird ulterior motive by using a completely innocuous phrase isn’t completely apparent to you.

Yeah, you run with that lame explanation Sparky.

It reinforces just how petty you and your liberal friends are.

I’m running with the truth. One is president, the other isn’t/wasn’t. One sat through 8 years of right-wing ■■■■■■■■ aimed at her over NOTHING. “Moochelle Antoinette.” “She’s really a man.” “Boy she’s fat.” It never ended.

Petty? Yeah, to be honest, some of the attacks against Trump HAVE indeed been pretty petty, and you’ll find I don’t typically get caught up in that stuff.

The difference is that he brings a lot of it on himself. It’s literally how he functions. And he’s CHEERED for it when he does it.

All Michelle Obama did was marry a guy who would one day become president, and try to get kids to eat a little healthier.

But please, tell us what YOUR hair-on-fire interpretation of “forever first lady is.”

Once a First Lady always a First Lady, forever?

What if she and Obama get divorced?
Will she be “Forever Estranged First Lady”?
Maybe she can claim to be collecting “Forever Alimony”

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I think we can all agree that what certain people are objecting to is that Mrs. Obama is being something here. It’s like self-important, arrogant, needing to be put in check…

What’s that word? It always escapes me.

Seems there is a simple and unnefarious explanation for the whole affair where Michele Obama in her recent speech at Temple University included the endearment “forever First Lady” that another had applied to her.

Look at the bright side. We’re not talking about Michelle Obama’s butt anymore.

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On social media it popped up that Michele O said that. Being the skeptic I am (and thinking maybe she flubed former and said forever)I did a search to see if it was true. Found video of O actually saying it. Had never herd the phrase before and was actually wondering what a “forever first lady” was.

The word you are looking for is uppity. I am not above pointing it out.

For ■■■■■ sake…Jackie O. is still referred to as “one time first lady”, and shes been dead for a while now.

She was referring to her commitment to continue doing the things she was passionate about while she WAS First Lady. That this has to be pointed out to people is just ■■■■■■■ insane to me.

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Uppity, yes! That’s the one. :wink:

Well said.

On Wednesday, former First Lady Laura Bush was on hand to celebrate the opening of Houston Methodist Hospital’s new Center for Health & Nature.

Former U.S. First Lady Nancy Reagan Dead at 94

Former First Lady of the United States and Founder of The Carter Center

Barbara Bush, former first lady, dies aged 92

You were saying?

Are people really this pissed that Pat, Nancy, Barbara and Laura weren’t clever enough to come up with this phrase themselves?

Damn it ladies and gentlemen…get over yourselves. This is only an issue if you already had an axe to grind with the woman. I would bet dollars to donuts that if Laura Bush had made the exact same statement, most of you would have been parroting that very phrase about her.

Well, Michelle was controversial enough to suggest that kids eat better. The old board blew up over that one.


And forever on the government teat

Former is appropriate. Forever is ego driven.

She was trying to force he eating of food so nasty to the taste i doubt she would even touch it herself.

There is a way to serve food better for you that actually tastes good. We used to have lunch plates of food with a couple of veggies a meat and corn bread or rolls that was quite tasty.

Michelle chose a different route. There were complaints that her meals didn’t have enough food either.