What if "The Smartest People in the Room" Were NEVER the Smartest, Only the Most Corrupt - And Corruptible? HWGA on bob menendez

Yup. I see that post now.


Side note- here’s details of the 2013 robbery. They beat Daibes and his doorman up and took “$3-4 million in cash, gold, diamonds and guns from Daibes’s St. Moritz residence”. Imagine keeping that kind of loot sitting around? AND he knew one of the guys.

On the positive side for menendez, gold hit an all-time high the other day.


I REALLY hope this is sarcasm!!

menendez is a scum.

sad to say i once voted for him before i knew he was.

i hope is convicted and given a long prison sentence.


Today’s evidence (gold bars with serial #s) should cinch it. Buh-bye.

He’s gone through this before and had democrats protecting him and it will be the same here. I’m never underestimating democrats’ ability to protect their own again.

Hell just claim the gold was a gift and the senate ethics committee will refuse to do anything to him.


I’ll believe it when I see it.

TBH- why are they keeping him? Gov Murphy will just appoint a different Democrat- perhaps his wife, which I do not like at all. Maybe he would not have the nerve to do it- an appointment is very different from an election. But still, it wouldn’t change the balance of the Senate.

Then we’ll go through this whole show again with the next Democrat.

Wait- are you saying more malfeasance? Pretty nervy, given what is going on in your party.

There’s little doubt it will be a Dem- NJ is dark Blue.

He’ll get off. Got a Clinton judge presiding over this case :joy:

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Trial starts today… figure a few days, he’ll get off, and life will go on, just like last time? Just like Murtha? Nothing ever sticks to the Dems.

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Most people go into govt for the same reason people do anything. Their personal self interest. That’s why govt should be small. All big govt has done is cause a massive debt and division of the people.

Power corrupts…

Anyone want to wager? Menendez will get off with no punishment again. He’s a democrat.


New York sends their dems to jail pretty often.

I mean they just had a nyc Democrat convicted of 34 felonies this very week ;p

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Bob Menendez did nothing wrong, his only crime was being critical of Joe Biden once.

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I thought he was banging underage prostitots it the Bahamas.

He didn’t do anything wrong. He won’t be convicted. Charges will be dropped and life will go on.