What if the blue wave doesn't happen?

I thought you were being Nostradamas. But maybe he was just being sarcastic.

2020 will be icing on the cake.

Trump will still be trying to build his wall then.

and repeal Obamacare.

and still putting his foot in his mouth at every opportunity.

Rudy will be gone by then, replaced with another flunky.

the dems will try and rid the country of the disease known as the “orange plague” and send Melenia and barron back to trump tower where they belong.

by then Donnie Jr will have been indicted, along with Ivanka husband Jared.

Tweedledum and tweedledee.

sarah Sanders will be working for fox news (but not changing the lying part)

sessions will still be attroney general.

as Kamala Harris rips the President a new one. (he might win 10 states)


If a stats guy predicts that Hillary has a 73 percent chance to win the election, it means that Hillary has a 100 percent chance to win the election. Similarly, long shots at the horse races never win, because they aren’t favorites. And never bet on the hard ways at the craps table, because nobody has ever rolled a pair of fours.

OP better hope the numbers improve

It is an upset special.

Casey mirrors much of what we saw from Santorum when he was defeated.

Remember they are saying LOU…Not BOO!


Yeah, there’s something special about it.

Casey is very likely going to win his reelection bid. However, there are about four Democratic Senators that could lose their reelection bids.

The Senate races to watch for this election season are the Senate races from West Virginia, Indiana, North Dakota, Missouri, Tennessee, Florida, Arizona and Nevada.

I give the Democrats about a 70% chance of taking back the House.

Riots are always crazy righties political porn, only hear them predicting them, up there with their fema Walmart re-education camps and doomsday bunkers full of MREs and gold.

No he doesn’t. I worked that election. Santorum was already down double digit points in the summer.

I get it, it’s embarrassing that you guys can’t seem to beat someone as boring and colorless as Casey.

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The special election for the Senate in AL was lost due to the foolishness of Trump. He endorsed the wrong candidate to begin with (should have endorsed Mo Brooks, not Strange). Strange was his choice for the first primary and the runoff, but when Moore was the only Republican left standing after the runoff, and the scandal stuff came out, it was too late. It was a fluke that won’t be repeated. Has nothing to do with Blue dog dems, who don’t exist in AL. It was due to low turnout and Republicans not showing up at the polls.

OK. That one stung. Casey is as bland and uninspiring as it gets.

Still calling the upset special. trump remains very popular and border security and economy could well bring home the upset…and it is an upset possibility. Long shot chance.

Their hatred just goes more and more against them. It doesn’t work.

It just inspires more of the Trump base to turn out to vote.

White women? That’s racist. :wink:

Get ready for 6.5 more years. :+1::sunglasses:

Who do you think the OWS, BLM, ANTIFA riot thugs are if not liberal Democrats turned Socialists. And its liberal Democrat city politicians and officials that let them get away with it. They might as well tattoo “Democrat” on their forehead as it couldn’t be any more blatant!

Santorum was not very liked. Casey had the distinction of his name associated with his father as governor. No chance Casey and Santorum are mirroring each other.

Eh. The border has virtually no traction here because there are practically no Latinos outside of the Philly area let alone illegals. The one city where it might work, my own City of Champions, literally has orders of magnitude more Saudis-not Arabs, just Saudis-than Latinos overall.

The Republicans don’t even try against Casey. It’s no different than the tomato cans Democrats put up against Arlen Specter every six years.