What if fossil fuel was cut off during a polar vortex?

Because with each new year technology advances.

No you don’t because it didn’t happen.

The screamed bloody murder because it created standards that were impossible to achieve with known technology and didn’t even bother to consider what was possible when it was written.

Fuel economy wasn’t much of a consideration because we had more fuel that we could possibly use throughout most of that era. Americans also generally didn’t drive half the miles they do today because very few commuted any distance and those who did usually used public transportation such as trains and buses.

The tenets of the deal are to transition, not abandon.

The “plan” demands we complete the transition in 12 years.

Just think of all the jobs that would generate.

In 10 years it does.

No… it is a nonbinding resolution that has no chance of passing.

Now… I would love for there to be a comprehensive moonshot plan to move the US off of a fossil fuel economy and into the next generation of power production… but it isn’t going to happen.

The political will is just not there. It will never be there. Even as the coastal cities are being flooded, it will still not be there.

We will simply make the future more expensive and not worry about it because we will be dead.

Yay us.

I’m all for making advances in energy technology, but not to the point where it will make it impossible for anyone to afford the energy.

Work the environmental and health costs into the extraction and use of fossil fuels then the price of “green” energy doesn’t look so bad anymore.

But we don’t do that. We socialize the costs. It becomes someone else’s problem.

How do you replace airplanes?

Where have I said anything about airplanes?

Don’t worry your head about any of this. It isn’t going to happen. We will continue to be able to use fossil fuels at an artificially low cost with no consequence for at least probably another generation.

Obviously they’re not going to be at full capacity during the storm. But afterwards when the sun comes out all you have to do is brush off a corner on each panel. They heat up quickly and melt the snow off in no time.

My cousin lives in Virginia.

This green new deal mandates zero emissions in ten years. I just want to know how that can be reasonably achieved without sending us back to using bikes and ships with oars to get across the oceans.

It mandates nothing. It is a nonbinding resolution that has no chance of making it to the floor for a vote. So don’t worry. Your life isn’t going to change… your grand children on the other hand…

Are you willing to make radical lifestyle changes to accomplish these goals?

If I were in charge, I would start with the full cost of extracting and using fossil fuels are no longer socialized. The health costs alone from the extraction and use of fossil fuels is estimated to be as high as $850 billion per year in the US alone. Worldwide the cost goes into the Trillions… per year.

That is just one aspect of price of using fossil fuels that we are not paying for up front.

Work that into the end user price and it doesn’t look like that great of a deal anymore.

The emissions are down at the power plant. And probably 50 of the electricity needed to charge the batteries is wasted in transmission .

So chilly in Cal …Biting winds

I should sue Al Gore… Living around here was suppose to be like living in San Diego by now…

This is a good point…we need to do energy/emissions balances for all types of transport to truly know what is better for the environment long-term.

A full cost accounting along the lines @Jezcoe proposes would be a good start to getting there.