What if conservative teachers taught Critical Abortion Theory to their students?

Glad to know someone else loves to volunteer! I love volunteering at the ranch and volunteered at a place called Emergency Infant Services back in 2016-2018. Helped mothers and their children in need through sorting food, diapers, processing clothing and working in the boutique.

It makes me feel better to know I’m helping someone else.

Yes, what about those who are mute? Or deaf, given that many of those who are deaf do not speak?

You could cut the tension in this thread with a knife.

Good post but with a couple of quibbles.

Abortion is not 100% abelist even though there are those who choose to abort because of a child that has medical problems that is not the only reason for abortion.

Also it is not that there is “support” for abortion but that it is an option that should remain open for those who choose it.

For me, I see it as a shifting set of rights between the fetus and the mother. The earlier in the pregnancy the rights are tilted to the mother but as viability of the fetus increases the fetus gains protections unless there is a mortal danger to the mother.

Basically what Roe v Wade decided.

Oh but you did and it’s going to be what derails this whole fake CRT thing.

Try 10 more times.

I’ve given up on you.

Of course you have.

You couldn’t answer a simple question.

Yeah I started reading about the Holocaust when I was ten. Mainly because that was the first time I watched Schindler’s List and I wanted to know why and how that could have happened.

I was a little too young for that movie, but I’m glad I saw it early. Schindler’s List and Saving Private Ryan (which I watched around the same time) is what really got me into history. They made me want to understand why those events happened and how they happened. So I became a history worm and have remained so ever since then.

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You know mine already. :stuck_out_tongue:

If they teach critical abortion theory along with birth control solutions(abstinence, condoms, pills, etc.), I would be ok with that. Let the kids know ways to avoid being put into position where you have to choose

I would say I lean conservative and I support all of that. I even support expanding it in some ways for the most at risk citizens.

However, I do demand strict accountability. Any fraud should be investigated and and dealt with immediately with no delay.

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Ya did…

“Just try to remember the concepts of [House Bill] 3979,” Peddy said in the recording, referring to a new Texas law that requires teachers to present multiple perspectives when discussing “widely debated and currently controversial” issues. “And make sure that if you have a book on the Holocaust,” Peddy continued, “that you have one that has an opposing, that has other perspectives.”

“How do you oppose the Holocaust?” one teacher said in response.

“Believe me,” Peddy said. “That’s come up.”

“Our district recognizes that all Texas teachers are in a precarious position with the latest legal requirements,” Fitzgerald wrote”

I would say that this isn’t the traditional conservative stance and it shows in the bills they write. They want you to carry an unwanted birth but when you ask for money they bring out the bootstraps

Welcome to the world here are your bootstraps good luck!

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I understand honestly, I did not watch a rated “R” film until I was 16 and it was with my dad, the film was Saving Private Ryan one of my favorites to this day.

I take a similar approach with my kiddos, but the learning and teaching of history is vital warts and all.

When I learned about slavery and various other unflattering things of this country it did not make me “hate” America…watching Amistad did not stir in me any hatred for our country.

If anything I believe that stacked up I will take this nations history over any other developed country, personally I find our greatest strength as a country is our ability to overcome the past and grow stronger for it.

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A miscarriage is a natural death.

I don’t understand why a miscarriage should be considered heartbreaking but an abortion isn’t? They both have the same result.

10 is definitely too young to learn the realities of the world. 14-15 years old is a pretty good age for most.

There are definitely age appropriate ways to teach different topics. But at some point, teaching the reality of slavery, the Holocaust, the realities of history is needed.

People feel bad when they learn about the Holocaust, people also feel bad when the learn about slavery. But everyone moves, on. I just don’t understand why conservatives are afraid of teaching the harsh history of slavery.

No one is trying to force kids of feeling guilty for being white, or whatever they think is going on.


I answered. You just didn’t like the answer. (Or don’t understand what pregnancy centers and homes do.)

No, ya didn’t.

Yes the state of Texas did…poorly but they did

“A new Texas law designed to limit how race-related subjects are taught in public schools comes with so little guidance, the on-the-ground application is already tying educators up in semantic knots as they try to follow the Legislature’s intent.”