Maybe it only does it when you actually quote me. Try using the button.
Like this? Without adding your text?
10 ch
That’s not it.
Do you really believe that…
Maybe til this gets fixed we should encourage people to quote the text of the post/poster they’re replying to? Would make following a conversation easier for both those participants and those reading the exchange?
I’m not doing it. I’m too lazy.
Meh. It’s literally a press of a button.
Man, Nebraska, I was just going to post that there’s no way Sneaky is going to do that.
Behave yourself woman.
lololol you cant be serious Snow… Obama deported a lot of darn people and got zero credit… and tax cuts… have you seen our project deficit lol
I’m curious about this one. Specifically, which regulations have been rolled back that you believe were over aggressive? And what is the benefit in their specific deregulation?
Obama only deported the worst of the worst.
Now, your here illegally, you are subject to deportation. Plain as day fact.
Now we have tax cuts, time to start chopping on the federal budget. I know it won’t happen, but that’s what should happen.
Dem’s get back into – taxes will go up on the rich and businesses again and they will “claim” to have cut the deficit. The real way to do that is cut the damn budget. Hell even pass a real budget instead of another CR.
For the love of Pete, yes a million times!!!
starts a slow clap…
fuel efficiency is the biggest. With today’s tech . . not a single manufacturer (minues tesla) would be able to meet the goal.
Next one comes to mind is the waterways that was going to consider farmer irrigation ditches as “navigable water” and under regulations as such.
Here in Utah they are taking a second look at some ground squirrel regulations. Got so bad the golf course in a city couldn’t relocate any on the course to better suited land set aside for them. Homeowners were under threat of fine if they did anything that might kill them. That after thousands of acres were set aside for the rodents. The county these rodents live in had come up with a plan to mange them. Obama administration flat out nixed the local plan saying the feds had to create it. Trump admin has said “lets take a look at this plan and see what you’ve got.”
Oh and pulling back the National Monuments in Utah to boundries that are more in line with the “minimum amount of land possible” in the act.
Thanks Snow. I am in agreement with you on these as well. And I genuinely appreciate the fact you have given this thought and understanding. I’m always curious when people champion Trump taking deregulation steps, whether they know what they’re even talking about, or if they are parroting what they have heard from others. Much respect my friend.
Now, back to fixing that edit issue you go.
*** Nebraska hightails it to the exit before eating a ban ***
See you and I can agree on some things. Not many . . . but eventually I’ll get you to agree more with me
yeeeeeaaaaa 'bout that. They is smart people working on that. I stick my finger into it and nothing will work. We had new computers installed at work by the end of my first shift on one I had already made it a “not working proper” computer.
And the rest of your post. See . . . I’m a reasonable guy. I do my research, I try and get as many facts as I can (like the nets and wale’s is a reg that probably should stay in effect) then see if it fits my way of thinking.
I’d bet we actually agree on a great number of things. But to be honest, I’m not here to just engage in agreement with people. I like good-hearted contention and debate.
As a couple of examples, I would wager we largely agree on immigration, with the exception of the wall. We definitely seem to agree on fiscal issues, like budgets, balancing the budget, reigning in spending, etc.