What happens when a Presidential election is contested?


This didn’t answer the question.

Your post was simply a rationalization of your pre-existing bias.

Before COVID…you may have even been correct.

But when you start with the assumption that Biden can’t win…I can see why you would assume any scenario where he does win must be fraudulent.

Very circular argument.

You truly believe the two are on par with each other? K. :sunglasses:

If your discernment of what I said, leads you to that conclusion…that’s on you.

That’s because it’s founded on the fraudulent claim that mail in voting is necessary to begin with, while at the same time denying the idea that millions of votes just being sent out doesn’t make the opportunity and possibility of massive fraud likely.

The left has already stirred up Marxist groups and will continue to do so. Marxists have a history of violent revolutions and their actions so far are following the Marxist playbook. The Democrats in Congress and Senate are doing the political part of the process. The Democrats are encouraging the violence. Is there enough people in the streets right now to attempt a coup? Not yet, but should Trump win, they will continue to stoke the fire. As I said, the Dems will settle for nullifying Trumps presidency by bogging it down with civil unrest, investigation, obstruction, harassment, and any other dirty tactic they can think of.

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You and other Trump supporters continuously tell us that Covid-19 impacts such a low percentage of the population that everything is an over reaction.

Lets extrapolate that to the protests and to be fair lets include the riots. As a percentage How many cities in the US were impacted? How many US citizens took to the streets?

A dishonest one is a biden win; an honest one, trump win




Hillary won the popular vote because more people, or at least more voters live in the big cities than out. Trump won the Electoral vote because the smaller populated states and people in the rural areas voted for him. I bring this up to point out that it is the big cities, populated by a large percentage by Democrats where these riots are happening and being encouraged. So, while the number of cities may be small, the political impact is huge. This small minority group of radicals is shaping the policy of the elected officials and candidates. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so to speak…

If every Lib in this forum personally believes that ANY violence, rioting, looting, burning etc., is an unacceptable way to behave, how do you ignore the undeniable fact that it is the big city Lib mayors and Governors that are openly encouraging and allowing this behavior? Why do you turn a blind eye to the number of lives A LARGE PERCENTAGE BEING BLACK, that are being ruined by these uprisings?

I have asked this question before and not gotten a single attempt at an answer from anyone on your side. Here it is again: Do you think the " people" would have supported “leaders” like Lenin, Mao or Castro if they knew in advance that they would quickly be impoverished and oppressed by the very leaders they helped put in power? The people were lied to. If you believe that these elected people truly gives a rats ass about lives, black or otherwise, why aren’t they supporting the law and order they took an oath to uphold by condemning and putting these violent uprisings down very quickly? What are they doing instead? Defunding and dismantling their police department… IOW, greasing the squeaky wheel because they know the silent majority of Libs who “condemn such behavior” will vote for them anyway because after all,Trump is a big meanie who posts stupid things on twitter.

Have you ever heard the phrase “USEFUL IDIOTS?” It would be worth looking up…

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In Louisville Kentucky there was precisely one polling place in the primary- for the entire city.

Why did this happen?

In part because they couldn’t find enough willing pollworkers because of COVID.

So- COVID is a “made up excuse?”

Don’t think so.

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8 states + DC will all vote-by-mail: CA, CO, DC, HI, NV, OR, UT, VT, WA. Of these states, only Nevada has implemented this process recently. California began theirs before the 2018 midterms, and Vermont began their process in December of 2019. The rest had been doing all mail-in voting for several election cycles without incident or issue.

35 states allow voters to request mail-in ballots with no excuse: AK, AR, AZ, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IL, IA, KS, ME, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, VT, VA, WV, WI, WY. This is the standard absentee ballot process where people request an absentee ballot, can vote by mail, and do not have to give a reason for being incapable of appearing in person on election day.

The remaining 7 states allow absentee voting, but you have to give a qualified reason for your absence on election day. COVID will be an accepted reason in all of them.

Absentee voting has existed since the Civil War. This debate over mail-in-voting is a scam by Trump, to trick his supporters into believing something that is not happening, and to set the stage for him (and them) to contest the results of the election should he lose. And it is being gobbled up by some, which is a shame. Preemptively casting doubt on the election, when the reasoning is based on misinformation is terrible for our democracy.

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There is a big difference in absentee voting and what Dems are wanting to do in this election. It is either ignorant or disingenuous to claim otherwise.

First, you listed a huge difference. Here it is in your own words :“35 states allow voters to request mail-in ballots with no excuse”. The key here is the word REQUEST. This is a very important thing because it tells the local election board that the person requesting the ballot still lives at their listed address.

I have worked as supervisor in many election polling places. In every election, I had many people who had moved from a prior address. Some we could verify a new address for, and if it was still in the same precinct they could vote. Many times a persons identity or address could not be verified and they had to cast a provisional ballot, and some had moved completely out of the precinct and were not eligible to vote at that location at all. Even when elections go smoothly, many people remain in a given precincts registers even though they are no longer eligible to vote there. In absentee voting, the requestor knows that a ballot is coming. If it doesn’t arrive, they can contact the election office, and correct an address before voting. Another requirement by absentee voting is you have to verify your identity.

These two issues alone are instrumental in preventing fraud, which is why Democrats oppose them. Mail in voting is NOT THE SAME. States are simply wanting to send out ballots to every address. There is no verification if the person living at the house is eligible to vote. What would stop someone from filling out a ballot, dropping it in the mailbox and then going to a precinct and voting in person? What would stop a person from taking ballots from other peoples mailboxes and filling them out and mailing them? Requesting a ballot is done on a form, so there is an official record. If someone took an unrequested form out of my mailbox, and filled it out and sent it in, how would I even be aware of that, or prove a fraudulent vote was cast in my name if I became aware? I couldn’t

And then there is ballot harvesting, which is allowing people to come out to your house and pick up your ballot and deliver it. Certainly no way to cheat with that set up is there?

Then there’s the logistical problems. Proper and timely delivery. The time it takes to tally up the totals accurately etc. I don’t believe that the post office, or the government could possibly get prepared to do mail in voting right in such a short time, and I sure as hell don’t believe they wouldn’t cheat massively. This would cause nothing but chaos, which is the intent…

It’s precisely because of the potential for cheating and fraud that the Dems are pushing for it. Anything that absolutely limits a specific identified person to one vote, Democrats will oppose. Let’s not pretend otherwise huh??


This is not true. No state has suggested mailing ballots to “every address” - they are sending ballots out to all registered voters.

If they registered to vote, they are eligible to vote.

Every voter is assigned a Voter ID number in the state’s database. If an individual’s VID shows up as having submitted an absentee ballot AND voted in person, that person is guilty of a crime.

Unless they are accomplished forgers, it would be identified immediately and the ballots would be thrown out.

How about by the state announcing that they are sending ballots to all registered voters?


Eh. If Trump loses and pushes this too far and also somehow succeeds in delaying it past December, Nancy Pelosi becomes president on Inauguration Day.

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First off welcome to forum.

You have every right to be skeptical of democrats intentions for they have a proven track record of using our system for sinister purposes.

Don’t allow anyone to question your motives.

IMO this is their new insurance policy.

It was a long reply, so I snipped it for brevity. But these two parts of your post are the primary cause of the misinformation it seems. As I noted, there are only 8 States that are doing all-mail voting. 5 of the states have been doing this form of voting for many, many years. California began this form of voting prior to the 2018 midterms. Vermont began the logistics process of establishing theirs back in December of 2019. Only Nevada has moved forward with this method recently. That is it.

“Dems” are not pushing universal, nationwide all-mail voting here. No other state has opted to move to this all-mail voting system. Nor are any others even in consideration of this method prior to the General Election in November.

The conflation of it seeming as if this is some huge national push where every single state will now be sending ballots to everyone by mail is simply not true. Yes, Nevada may have some logistical issues, due to getting a late jump on this. So, if your argument is specific to Nevada, then so be it. It would be a fair point. And I guess if the election comes down to Nevada, then there will be a legitimate argument to be made here.

Other than that, this is just fear-mongering scare tactics by Trump.

And that is exactly what the disgraceful Democrats want, they are more disruptive and dangerous to our system of voting then any foreign entity, it’s really astounding what they are trying to pull after their over 2 year hair pulling, pants on fire Russia investigation.

We really have to stop calling them Democrats and start calling them what they have morphed into and that is… Socialists. It took them almost 100 years to get to this point but it will take only a fraction of that time frame to get to full blown…Communist!

The 50’s called. They want their paranoia back.


We damned well need the 50’s mentality (call it paranoia if you want) along with patriotism back and hopefully it will come calling in November.

Hi Paige,

Welcome to the board.

On December 14th Electoral College (EC) representatives meet in the State Capital to case their vote.

On January 6th the EC ballots are opened by the Congress and officially counted.

According to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution…

If no clear winner results (currently no one getting 270 EC votes) then no President or Vice President is selected by the EC. As such is devolves to Congress to select the President and Vice President.

President - The House of Representatives selects the President, the process is that there will be 50 votes. Each State delegation to the House gets one vote. So the fact that California, New York, and Texas have more delegates than Delaware, Wyoming and North Dakota doesn’t matter. One vote per state. There are more states that have GOP delegations than DEM delegations. So probably a GOP person would become President.

Vice President - The Senate selects the Vice President in a similar process.

If the House does not produce a Presidential selection by March 4th and the Senate does produce a Vice President, then the Vice President will act as President and after March 4th will become the President under the 25th Amendment.
So to summarize if the DEMs block the seating of the President from the General Election it is likely the House would install a GOP President. If the House DEMs block the seating of a President due to the 12th Amendment the GOP Senate would select a GOP Vice President and that person would become the President.

Hope this helps.


To every registered voter was what I meant. I should have been more clear…

Without a person having to present a valid ID, what good is a voter ID? First, who is checking and cross checking those voter ID numbers? From my experience and observation, vote counting at local precincts is chaotic. There is not going to be a person checking mail in forms that closely and then cross comparing them to info from a voting location. If duplicate voting IDs were found to be used, it would take considerable time, especially in large precincts large voter turnout. Then, how would you prove someone committed fraud? If I didn’t have to prove my identity at the voting place, how could you prove it was me that cast a ballot in person after having mailed one in? Or how could you prove it was me that mailed in a ballot in the first place, especially if vote harvesting is allowed?

Ok, the state announces they are sending ballots to every registered voter. Then every crook knows to be looking in people’s mailbox for ballots. If I legitimately do not receive a ballot, how do I know whether someone stole it from my mailbox, or whether the post office lost it or if the election board actually didn’t send me one? I can tell you from experience, that our local election board is very bad about such things. Not because they’re stupid, corrupt or lazy but because the jobs are often filled by inexperienced, low paid and sometimes temporary workers. Again, how would fraud be prevented, or proven once committed. Someone could come into a town, steal and mail in a bunch of ballots then be gone… No one the wiser, unless or until it is discovered. Then what? Recount? Hold another election? Decertify results after the fact?

No, everyone who registers to vote is not necessarily eligible to vote… Sometimes people lose their privelege to vote after they legitimately register, but often, as I mentioned, they move between elections to another place and don’t bother or don’t know they have to register with their new address. Again, a person could send in a ballot from their old address and then go vote in person in their new precinct and it would be very likely not discovered.

What Democrats are wanting to do is send out ballots with out the safe guards that have been put in place with absentee voting or the safeguards established by the states that have been doing it for several elections or years.

As to needing accomplished forgers or it would be immediately identified and thrown out???

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:. You’ve never worked with government bureaucrats have you? How many weeks did we wait for the hanging Chad issue to be resolved? It was chaos, which is what Democrats want. If they can’t win decisively, then cast doubt on the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency and then justify anything whatsoever that anybody or group does whatsoever to resist.

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