What happened to the J6 tape release?

Yes, there is a big difference, in that it was easier for journalists to document the destruction and violence OUTSIDE the capital, because many would not go INSIDE, as that would be a crime.

Regardless, I posted evidence of destruction and violence inside the capital.

Also, it’s moot. Violence and destruction are not required for insurrection.


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What is required?

It’s weird that people don’t care about this stuff.

A plot to overthrow the government.

Oh I care. It’s actually embarrassing. It was a clown show. Disgusting to a professional.

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You sure about that? What did the Colorado supreme court say?

If only they had you on the payroll, things would have gone smoother?

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Keep swallowing and regurgibleating your sheoplized nonsense. I’ve got to go stimulate the American economy to pay the salaries of all of these corrupt politicians that feed you the narratives they want pushed.

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No, I’m not sure.

And I don’t really care.

I made this thread because a few weeks ago, the release of all the J6 tapes was eminent. Then the SoTH said he was taking steps to protect criminals. But still, the tapes aren’t released and no one seems to care.

Because all this crap is drummed up by for profit outrage machines in the media.

Sorry, but you are being a child. You asked for evidence of destruction in the capital. I provided it.

Man up.

Weird flex.

I agree with you, Speaker Mike needs to get on with it. Maybe he will after the New Year.

I like that he’s blurring faces.

You sure seemed sure.

Not at all. You just don’t understand insurgencies, violence or professionalism. It’s ok, you shouldn’t have to.

Straight up fee fees. Very feminine.

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You internet brag about some pretty weird things.


It’s not bragging. It was my profession for a long time. I was trained.

What’s your profession?

You are so petulantly, arrogant. Even when spanked with the reality that you can not back up what you have asserted, the child still says na, na, na, na naaaaaaaaa…na. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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