What happened to the J6 tape release?

You are losing the plot

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Wait… this is Mark Meadows we are talking about… now he is a dude who makes money on the government dole and he lies to rake in the cash?

That is just deranged.

Like the rest I will no longer answer your stupid questions. You have become nothing more than a troll repeating the same thing over and over.
Fact you hate trump.
And it is not nice to call people deranged. You are more like trump than you know.
Now get out your trump pictures and throw a few darts.

I will put you down for being in the Mad King camp.

And yes… Trump is UnAemerican Scum.


Everything we know that happened leading up to January 6 and what unfolded that day is fully laid out in evidence and depositions and testimony. We’re beyond caring what Crooked Donald is thinking or not thinking. It’s irrelevant. No one cares. That part is trash take it to the dump.

Lock Him Up.

Trump was trying to stop certification of unclean and questionable election.
He did nothing against USA .
If someone is framed for a crime and the way to prove is denied to him ofcourse he will scream and yell and try to stop finalizing his sentence.
Does NOT mean he is screaming against the Gov.
None of the “Insurectionists” also NEVER said DOWN with USA.
They showed up, entered uninvited and STROLED around.carriing carrying AMERICAN FLAGS.

Trump offered National Guard and Capital police refused it.
WHAT did Trump do specificaly that meant he wanted to down the USA Gov.

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Further entrench confirmation bias and division on both sides.

That’s ridiculous.

Has he said anything to the country? Is there evidence of a competing hypothesis?

Or has everything he has said to MAGA supported this one?

If Trump doesn’t know he lost, he’s insane and not fit for office.

He can be unhappy about how he lost, but he knows he lost.

If he didn’t know, he’s insane.


Trump was trying to overturn the result of the election that he knew that he lost.

Convincing his supporters with the lie that it was questionable gives him cover to just enough people in the country that they do not see him for what he is… UnAmerican Scum.

He knew that he had lost the election and he lied to you about it.

I don’t like the disingenuous posters.

You are one of the last people in this group who should pretend to talk about honesty.


Oh look, more hand-wringing virtue signals from the Chronic (D)efenders of (D)omestic Terrorism. :rofl:


What does it matter?

Either trump was so stupid he couldn’t understand the basic information given to him indicating he lost, or he knew and was purposefully ignoring it. Neither is flattering, but what he knew is moot.

His actions are the issue here, not his understandings.

Oh my god…stop.

The poster that diverts to calling the POTUS a senile old this and that EVERY SINGLE THREAD is accusing other people of hating someone…

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And you’re cheering this on! Hooray!

Am I?

No, it’s not.