What happened after a man got 217 coronavirus shots


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If 217 coronavirus shots can’t kill you, I guess this proves once and for all the antivaxxers are completely full of ■■■■■


Interestingly, all these shots caused no fatigue in the man’s immune response.

Because one person is an ample sample size to determine the effects upon 350 million people.:roll_eyes:

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I’m sorry.

Not directed towards anyone specifically but does it look to anyone else that the left is getting more stupid?

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You COULD have taken this in the humorous spirit it was offered, rather than get uptight.


If it’s supposed to be funny then why isn’t it in the form of a meme? Is it because the left can’t meme? It’s easier to take 217 Covid shots than to meme?

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“Spotted Horse cannot be killed by bullet.”


I wouldn’t jump the horse on this one. I am on the neutral side of the vaccines but there has been plenty of medications that have been taken off the shelves because they prove to be dangerous decades after they have been in use.

But why did he get dosed so many times?

I don’t care how safe something is. That just sounds like a good way to win a Darwin Award.

Probably an extreme germaphobe.

There have been a very small number of vaccines taken off the market, but most were replaced with improved and safer versions.

Plasma derived hepatitis B, for example, was removed from the market in the early days of AIDS, when it was discovered that AIDS could transfer from the plasma to the vaccine.

Most vaccines left the market for reasons other than safety, such as the eradication of smallpox or lack of sufficient market to make it practical to continue production.

Oh. So where was the humor in you bashing those who chose not to get this worthless vaccine.

I know a whole bunch of people who got the vaccine and still got covid.

What would be humorous is if they do a follow up story and this idiot after taking all those vaccines still gets covid.

Now THAT would be funny.

And you have just related an anecdote.

BTW, I am pretty confident in saying that most of those people who got the vaccine and still got covid, had less severe covid than they would have had otherwise and most, if not all, survived the experience, when they may or may not have otherwise.

Just that statement indicates a total lack of understanding of what a vaccine does, particularly on the RNA side.

NO RNA vaccine can guarantee that you won’t get sick. But it can improve you body’s handling of the disease and decrease your chances of mortality.

BTW, I took the Moderna vaccine as soon as I was eligible plus two later boosters. I got an extremely mild case of Covid, over and done with in a couple of days. Without the vaccine, I may have been out of commission, one, two or three weeks.

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As a sidebar.

I just love the way the left always talks down to people.

Even after you point out that one person is not an ample sample size to determine the effects upon 350 million people.

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BTW, I am NOT on the left. Not even close.

Not all on the right are anti-vax. Not even close.

Don’t really care.

What’s with the condescending attitude?


Not anti-vax

Just anti covid vax. Think it was rushed to market a bit to quick.

Also against vax mandates. So there is that.

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So in other words the “vaccine “ doesn’t work.

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The other side of the good news is that because of the nanites…

… … … He will never have to pay for cell phone service again.


There are retards still out there trying to prove how good this useless experimental therapeutic is.

You idiots got played. There’s no getting around it. :rofl:

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