What happened after a man got 217 coronavirus shots

The level of cope anti vaxxers need is astounding. They are the only ones going around trying to get validation that they didn’t get the Covid vaccine.

Meanwhile all people who got the Covid vaccines are walking around living and ■■■■■ it’s hilarious.


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In other words, you don’t know what a vaccine is.

Which definition are we using? The one from before the jibby jab or the one after the jibby jab?

The definition didn’t change. Maybe your understanding of it did?

Sure I do.

Been vaccinated plenty.

Vaccinated for polio - didn’t get polio
Vaccinated for TB - didn’t get TB
Vaccinated for smallpox - didn’t get smallpox
Vaccinated for pretty much everything in the military - no serious illness while in

Kinda seeing a similarity here?

A commonality if you will?

Whatever you say.

I got the flu every time the Army forced me to get the vaccine for it. :rofl:

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“A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”

:point_up: Vaccine

“A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”

:point_up: Therapeutic

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There have always been vaccines for non-mutating viruses such as polio that are extremely effective at preventing disease and vaccines for mutating viruses such as influenza that are much less so. That was true before COVID, no matter what the CDC decided to change on their website.

Or you might have gotten over it the same?

I still say those with compromised immune systems/elderly were the intended recipients of any vaccine we could have come up with.

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Oh? What was the hint to indicate that it was posted in a humorous spirit? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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That’s completely unverifiable speculation. Particularly when so many unvaccinated people never got it at all.

You have correctly identified it as a therapeutic (rather than a vaccine,) but because we have no way to know whether it reduced the severity of illness in any specific individual, there is also no way to know if it was effective or ineffective. The data from case studies (severe illness per 1000 vaccinated persons vs. unvaccinated persons) tends to indicate that it had at least somewhat of a positive effect, but clearly, many unvaccinated people had as low grade of infection as many people who were vaccinated so we can never know for sure.

But yes, we© were played. Between the good intentions based on lack of information and government induced panic, what occurred was definitely an experiment … one for which the final outcome will be many years before it is known.

17 million died globally from the vaccine so give it time.

You’re gunna have to back that one up …

Safel is about a liberal as I am.

Just because we don’t march in lockstep with the Alt-Right ideology that seems to be in vogue these days does not mean we are liberals.

Haven’t seen that one in awhile.


Carry on.

Election is near. It’s making a comeback.