What “great progess” Has Been Made With NK?

“And for the first time, Mr. Pompeo acknowledged that North Korea is continuing to produce nuclear fuel for its weapons program, even as the administration claims progress toward the goal of denuclearization.”

“Yes, they continue to produce fissile material,” he told the committee, using the term for nuclear material that can be used in a bomb.”

I did. Was great.

Sorry but making a point about the President blatantly lying is valid.

It’s not my problem that Trump supporters have zero integrity of moral fortitude to call him out on it.

I suspect from your posts Trump can do anything, say anything and he will still have your support. I have always held my elected officials to a slightly higher standard but thats just my own integrity talking.

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Trump says remains of 200 US soldiers have been returned from North Korea

There’s the headline of a Hill article. I’ve read the article and they’re quoting Trump but not where he said that.

Can you post what the lie was?

Post 14 by Dantes

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In his rally in Duluth he told the crowd 200 already returned.

Plenty of transcripts out there on the inter web

As we’ve seen recently, transcripts and video can be altered to fit a narrative.

WASHINGTON (CBSLA) — President Donald Trump spoke to Fox News’ Bret Baier on Wednesday and perhaps wishes now that he hadn’t.

During the interview in which the president gave himself high marks for a summit in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the president raised eyebrows when he seemed to dismiss the strongman’s record on human rights.

The White House Thursday distanced themselves from the president’s remarks, suggesting Kim “loves his people” and is “very smart” and that he wasn’t trying to sugarcoat Kim’s long list of human-rights violations.

Eyebrows were also raised by a claim the president made about the parents of Korean War veterans pleading with him personally about getting back their sons’ remains.

“We have thousands of people who have asked for that — thousands and thousands of people,” Trump said. “So many people asked when I was on the campaign. I would say, ‘Wait a minute, I don’t have any relationship.’ But they said, ‘When you can, president, we’d love our son to be brought back home — you know, the remains.”

The math seems pretty hard to square.

Wrote, The Week, “Let’s do the math. Say an American solider was 18 when he was sent to North Korea in the war’s final year, 1953 — he would have been 80 in 2015; if his parents had given birth to him when they were 18, they would have been 98 in 2015. More realistically, the parents would have been well over 100.”

Trump said near the end of his talk with Kim, “I said ‘Will you do me a favor? The remains of these great fallen heroes, can we do something?’ He agreed to it immediately. It was pretty great.”

There’s the entire article and I don’t see it. Can you point it out please?

I found it and yes…he lied. I believe that him and Kim spoke and that Kim agreed that he would but Trump spoke ahead of it actually being done.

Glad to see you finally admit Trump is a liar. He knew it was not true but made a conscious decision to lie knowing full well that his supporters have no interest in fact checking him.

Read the article again…slowly.


Great progress? Something no other president has managed to accomplish so yes, that’s “great progress”.

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Everyone with a pulse knows Trump lies so do all politicians. I think half the time both mouth and his thumbs work independent of any linkage to his brain.

I am very happy that the remains of our soldiers are being returned. This is very good indeed. But please dont pretend this hasnt happened before.


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You are absolutely right but the difference is that his supporters more than make excuses for his lies they blatantly believe them. I was listening to a caller into a radio show and the host was going through a list of verifiable lies Trump has said. The only response from the caller was the mantra “fake news”. And we see that day after day on this forum. And yes I know this forum is but a microcosm or trump supporters but take a look at our host either ignores the lies said about Trump or supports them. It’s indicative of the hive like cultesque mindset of the Trump supporter.

I know Every President has their hard core set of apologists. I saw that with Bush II and definitely with Obama but Trump takes it to a whole new leaves. I have no doubt in years to come Reagan conservatives such as our host will start referring to themselves as Trump conservatives. I don’t recall hearing Hannity fact-checking Trumps blatant lie about Reagan losing In Wisconsin which is astounding.

You are correct but I am going to give Trump credit for this time.

I will too. This is Great. And it comes from negotiations that Trump started.

I am glad to see the factual return has materialized and appreciate the acknowledgement President Trump is getting. Fact is that Trump is a tireless worker, and I think a much better person than he is given credit for.

Appreciation to the NK who have been willing to talk and grow and make steps to be a better world citizens.

Thanks to all those who fought and sacrificed all.

Which proved to be Koreans and animals.

Let’s hope that this time they are actually the remains of our servicemen.

The point being you claimed earlier in the day that Trump accomplished something no president has done. Based on us receiving these remains. For Christ’s sake just admit you type things that aren’t accurate sometimes. They’re called mistakes. No big deal. So long as you admit them. It’s a big part of many child learning books we read to kids.

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